Positioning and visibility is very important for successful advertising. Within search engines we refer to visibility as "ranking." The higher your website is positioned on a search engine results page, the higher the "rank" or "ranking."
Google and Yahoo have secret methods of determining the best ranking for your website. They keep their methods a secret so no one can abuse the system. Every search engine optimization professional and SEO service company, including ours, is making their best guesses for how to increase website ranking.
The search engine results pages show 10 web page results at a time. Terminology is a little flexible when referring to ranking results. For example, a web page that's 1st in the search results can be referred to as "page 1, position 1," or we can say "ranking #1."
If your jewelry store "ranks #11" it actually means you are "page 2, position 1." As I said, there are 10 results per page, so any rank above 10, 20, 30 and so on is bumped to the next page.
Your goal should be to achieve a rank of 1, 2 or 3 for any given keyword phrase. The ranking for your website is different for each keyword phrase, and variations of phrases.
Just because you are ranked #1 for the phrase "engagement rings cushion" does not mean you will also rank #1 for the phrase "cushion cut engagement rings." You have to fine tune your SEO efforts for each and every keyword you want to rank for.