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Here's Your Basic Jewelry Website Strategy

Want to know what to do with your jewelry website? I bet you think you need to sell online don't you?

Well before you jump to that conclusion let's talk about what most other industries are doing... What is Bob's Bait and Tackle on Main St USA doing? Trying to get more business, right? He wants more foot traffic, right? Does he want to sell a lure to someone across the country? Sure he does! But what about live bait? I doubt it.

So that's the local guy, right? Your neighbor. But what about Costco, esurance or CVS?

Well, Costco does have a huge online store, and you can use a VISA and MC credit card to pay. They don't allow that in the store. And when the store runs out of something you can still order it online and have it shipped. But they also allow you to upload digital photos direct from your camera and pick up real printed photos within an hour. That's pretty nice customer service.

esurance allows you to track your auto repairs online. That's pretty fancy for an insurance company.

CVS has allowed you to reorder your prescriptions online for a very long time, even before Wallgreens.

One thing all of these companies are doing the same is using their online marketing strategies to get people into their local stores. (oops, I guess esurance does not have a local store, but they do serve your specific state.)

Here's a short list of what you could consider using your jewelry website for:

  1. Concentrating on LOCAL ADVERTISING only

  2. Finding new ways to service LOCAL CUSTOMERS through the Internet

  3. Extending REAL customer service online with features that make sense for YOUR industry

Need some examples of #3? Here you go:

  • When a customer is on your website, offer customers to see the item in the store, in person, before making the purchase.

  • Allow customers to see their layaway status reports online including a photo of the items, and allow them to make a payment on the layaway.

  • Notify customers of special in-store events and allow them to register for those events.

  • Provide special on-line only opportunities.

  • Deliver online purchases IN PERSON to local customers.

  • Maintain a bridal registry including publishing of a local engagement listings designed as a community announcement.

  • Allow customers to change their personal records like phone numbers and addresses.

  • Wish lists that wives set up in the store can be made available online so their husbands can review and make purchases without ever coming into the store.

  • Make repair status available online.

  • Make appraisal status available online.

  • Make special order status available online.

  • With the permission of the customer, provide cell phone text messaging notifications for any "status" record.

  • Allow customers to check the balance of their gift cards online.

  • Online gift card registration so lost or stolen cards can be voided and replaced.

Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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AT: 10/26/2009 07:14:23 PM   LINK TO THIS ARTICLE

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-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry