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Lesson 2 Vocab 08 - Authority Website

Financial success comes when you achieve some renown in your area of expertise, and then figure out how to capitalize on it.

Your website will bring many customers and increased sales once it achieves expert or Authority status. So how do we do this? It's simple actually, just add 50 or more pages to your website relating to the topic you want to be an expert in.

Yep, 50 or more pages need to be added to your website.

Don't try to do this overnight, do it gradually over time, and when you reach 50 pages don't stop. Keep adding new pages to your website forever! Since you own a jewelry business it should be easy to find information to put on your website.

Here are some ideas for adding pages to your website:
      Your monthly newsletter
      Reviews of the latest merchandise
      Information on the latest jewelry trends
      Monthly birthstone information

If you want to prove your expertise on a particular topic you will need to consistently put new pages on your site that talk about that topic. But in general, your website will be a collection of various topics all relating to jewelry.

Once you have achieved "Authority" your website will appear in the search engines with a minimum of 2 listings, usually the second listing is indented. The indented listing is meant to tell the user that the website is important.

Only "Authority" websites are indented on the search results pages. This is Google's way of saying "pay attention to these guys, they know what they are doing."

Again, this is a basics course, and there is more to Authority than what I have mentioned here. We'll cover the advanced Authority topics at a later time.
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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AT: 01/22/2010 01:33:27 PM   LINK TO THIS ARTICLE

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