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Final Holiday 2013 Website Stats for Retail Jewelers

Final Holiday 2013 Website Stats for Retail Jewelers 8295-daily-golden-nugget-893It's Christmas Day and the holiday gift buying season has come to a close. Typically this day each year is one of 3 with the lowest website traffic for retail jewelry stores, and the traffic that is searched is usually related to popular brand names and specific style numbers. That type of traffic always makes me wonder if people are searching for details of jewelry they gave as gifts, wanted to get as gifts, or saw someone else open as a gift.

But let's leave the speculation out of what might happen later today and talk about what has happened over the last 30 days.

I checked in on Google Trends at so see what changed from last year to this year. Here's what I found:

* Searches for phrases related to engagement rings increased by a factor1 of 10 this season compared to last year.

* Searches for phrases related to jewelry increase by a factor1 of 2 this season compared to last year.

Over the past 30 days the most popular search phrases according to my measurements were:

1. jewelry
2. jewelry stores
3. watches
4. diamonds
5. jewelers
6. wedding bands
7. custom jewelry design
8. december birthstone
9. custom jewelry
10. jewelry store
11. jeweler
12. custom design jewelry

Those 12 keyword phrases are listed in the order of popularity. With the exception of the "december birthstone" phrase, this is actually the typically similar list of phases that I see all year long. Do you have a page on your website that explains your custom jewelry service?

The most popular landing pages for retail jewelers over the last 30 days were:

1. Home page
2. Designer specific landing pages and catalog pages
3. Main catalog doorway pages
4. Category pages within the product catalog
5. Individual product detail pages
6. About pages
7. Store hours pages
8. Contact pages
9. Blog posts
10. Education pages

Actually the Contact and Blog pages had the same number of visitors in my sampling. I listed them as 8th and 9th place arbitrarily.

Lastly, the breakdown of users according to devices was:
Desktop users: 58.9%
Smartphone users: 27.2%
Tablet users: 13.9%

In case you're counting, the total mobile usage was 41.1%.

Hopefully this information will help you plan out your website next year.

Merry Christmas!

[1 : Google Trends reports their measurements in an unusual scale that's difficult to explain. It's their own measurement range of 0 to 100 based on the highest results in the chart being displayed. So I can't definitively say the increase was 10% or 2%. There was certainly a measurable increase, but it is on a strange Google scale.]

AT: 12/25/2013 01:55:13 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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