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Introduction to Google AdWords Express for Jewelers

I've written several Daily Golden Nuggets about Google AdWords, each one explaining a few details about AdWords and the needed setup. After reading them you might think that AdWords is expensive and difficult to manage. A few years ago that was 100% true, but now there's an easy way to set it up, as long as you are willing to give up a lot of control and pay a little more per click.

AdWords is Google's main source of income, but it's a complex system that most people don't understand or don't have time to learn, so Google created a less complex "AdWords Express."

Google AdWords Express was designed for small business owners who are both too busy running their business but yet want to target their local market online somehow. Before I get into the details you need to know that if you already have an AdWords account you should NOT set up an Express account because you might inadvertently compete with yourself and inflate your advertising costs.

With AdWords Express you will not have to worry about choosing a list of Keywords, organizing your ads into Ad Groups, or writing multiple ads. Google uses the known results from years of recorded AdWords history in order to guesstimate all the details for you. Everything is chosen according to the business information you enter, and you don't even need a website to use AdWords Express.

Go here to get started with a Google AdWords Express account:

If you have a Google+ Local account for your jewelry store, it will give you the option to select that account or start a new one.

SETUP PATH 1: If you don't have a +Local account (or if you are not logged in to Google) it will immediately show the form to enter your business information. The form will ask for your business name, address, phone number, your website, and your business category. A little hint here, this AdWords Express setup is actually a setup for a new +Local page. If a +Place page already exists for your business you should claim it first and start this process over.

The business category you choose is going to dictate most of the automatic settings for your account. When you type the word "jeweler" into the business category it will probably give you this list of category options:

* Jeweler
* Jewelry Buyer
* Jewelry Repair Service
* Jewelry Appraiser
* Wholesale Jeweler
* Jewelry Designer
* Diamond Dealer
* Jewelry Engraver
* Bead Wholesaler
* Jewelry Equipment Supplier

At this stage do NOT type in your own category if it's not shown. Google will not have any history by which to base your automated setting on. You must choose one of their suggested categories, and you can add a total of 5 categories at this step. When you are done you can click the blue [Continue] button.

SETUP PATH 2: If you have a +Local account the Express setup will show the option to select your exiting account or to create a new one. Select your existing account and click the blue [Continue] button.

Regardless which of the above setup paths you chose, this next screen shows a form to create your first ad. At the top you will see the "Ad category" dropdown list. From that list you should simply select "Jeweler" or whatever your primary category is.

The next field asks for a 25 character "Ad headline." Since you're targeting the generic category of "jeweler" you should just put your store name in this field.

The next field asks for the "Ad text" and is shown across 2 lines. Each line allows a maximum of 35 characters. You can use abbreviations here, but Google prefers that you stick to real words. You also need to avoid trademarked names, all capital letters, and competitor names. You are not allowed to use hyperbole like "We are the Best Jeweler" or "Our Service is Better."

Try to use all 70 characters across both ad text lines. Consider writing about your store's value proposition, sale, or other offer.

If your Google+ Local page is set up and verified you will be able to use that as the destination for your ads, otherwise your ads will target the website address you enter.

As part of the Express system, Google will automatically create other ads for you based on that it knows from historical results of other jewelry stores. The ad you create will appear online along with the auto-generated ads. Your original ad will be turned off eventually if the auto-generated ads get more clicks over time than your ad did. This is where you lose control in favor of automation and ease.

The last option on the setup screen is to choose your monthly budget. The form gave me the options of $90, $190, and $510 per month. Each payment option also listed an estimated number of clicks. The click price ranges from $2.13 to $3.52 per click. This per click price is much higher than if you have a normal AdWords account.

Typical AdWords are only $0.50 to $1.50 per click when you have a finely tuned account, but again, these click costs are higher due to automation and ease.

Clicking the blue [Continue] button will bring you to the billing profile page. Fill out your information and proceed to the payment options. Your options are either by credit card or direct withdrawal from your bank account.

That's about it. Once you finish entering your payment information your ads will start to run almost immediately. Follow the directions on the last page to log into your AdWords Express account, making sure to bookmark the link to your account.

If you follow this Nugget directly it should take less than 1 hour to get your AdWords Express account running. You could get your fist AdWords lead tomorrow.
AT: 09/05/2012 04:50:44 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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