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You Didn't Break It; But You Better Fix It

This is part 3 of 3 Daily Golden Nuggets. We are explaining the 3 common problems that can harm your jewelry website. Each is damaging in some way or another and will harm your ranking in Google's search results.

3. Server software glitches.

Until recently, we hadn't seen too many negative effects from software glitches. Surely you've seen these types of errors yourself:

* SEQUEL SERVER database error
* mySQL error
* PHP error
* Template Error

Usually it's only a few pages on a website affected by these errors. There's not much of a ranking impact for independent jewelers to worry about if you have a small website because small sites seldom have heavy database or programming code.

On the other hand, if you have a jewelry e-commerce site you might have several errors without even realizing it. They should be fixed as soon as they are discovered.

Speaking of PHP, if your website uses that language, there is a current situation that you might be affected by soon, if not already.

PHP version 5.2 is no longer supported by the PHP development team and all website hosting companies are in the process of upgrading to version 5.3. That PHP upgrade will cause several errors to appear on older version of WordPress, Jumla, Droopla, and many other content management systems.

Software upgrades are an unfortunate reality of website programming. Security and stability sometimes forces your website host to upgrade, and those upgrades sometimes break websites and cause errors to display.

Pay attention to errors like those because your Google ranking will drop until they are fixed.

Google tries to be helpful, and that means they will not send customers to your website if you are plagued by software language programming errors or glitches even if you didn't cause them.
AT: 01/24/2012 01:49:42 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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