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Be True To Your Own Identity in Your Writing

Be True To Your Own Identity in Your Writing 9433-daily-golden-nugget-949You have to own your identity. One of the jewelry designers sitting around my live Q&A table the other day at MJSA was a little embarrassed by her company name and her website. She chose a business name which perfectly reflects what type of jewelry she designs, but during the current launch process she was starting to feel a little unsure of the name.

To maintain her anonymity, I won't mention the name of the company or the domain name; let's just say that I really made me laugh that she wanted to be so forward, but then she decided to use a lowkey domain name.

I wouldn't be surprised if her company name and website goes viral once her website is finally populated with products and goes public. I chuckled when she told me the company name, because I thought it was cute, but I thought the name was brilliant once she explained who her product line was for.

She has yet to figure out how to market her identity online, and is concerned by her choice of domain names.

The other day during my Q&A, there were continual questions regarding how to find topics to blog about, and how to portray oneself on their blog and throughout their website.

Some topics could be:

* Your personal history: What did you do before you became a jeweler or a designer?
* What motivated you to get into the business?
* Explain how you came up with the name of your store, your business, your website, or the name of the jewelry designs you made.
* Show a step-by-step process of creating your jewelry.
* Show a before and after of what jewelry looks like when cleaning it.
* Show a before and after of a jewelry repair.

No matter what story you write in your blog, you need to make sure you keep true to your own identity. Use the same expressions and slang words in your writing as you would use in a verbal conversation with someone. The trickiest part of typing out your actual expressions is figuring out how to punctuate everything.

I've seen a lot of people who write in run-on sentences without proper punctuation. I see this in Facebook posts, text messages, business emails, and blog posts. The best trick I now for correcting your own punctuation is to read your blog out loud the next day after you first write it. Pay attention to where you pause as you are reading, and verify that you typed a period or a comma in your writing.

Figuring out how to incorporate you actual speech patterns into your writing is one way to stay true to yourself and your identity. Another way is to make sure your personal style come through as per of the design of your website, the stylistic photography you create for your website, and the photos of yourself you have on the website.

AT: 03/13/2014 10:00:38 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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