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Sharing is Good-Natured

Link building is a difficult part of search engine optimization. It's better to have a real person creating links on other websites than to buy a software program to spin links for you, but it takes a lot of time.

A well-placed link will bring a lot of valuable Google PageRank, and increase your SERP ranking.

But what if your goal is to increase visitor traffic in addition to PageRank?

A good answer to that is simply to get social. Share links on social networks like Digg, Stumble Upon, Reddit, Twitter and of course Facebook. Is your favorite not listed here? No problem, go ahead and use it anyway.

The goal to social sharing on these websites is to attract new people to your website. In this process, it's a numbers game; more shared links means more people see those links and potentially click. People who click might buy something, or they might bookmark your website, or better yet, they might re-share your website to their friends.

Facebook just announced a new feature button called a "Share" that allows you to send a page to a specific group of people or friends. This feature will certainly better facilitate the social sharing of the internet, and it should bring more potential customers.

The bottom line of today's Golden Nugget is to set up accounts with several social linking sites and randomly share your web pages over time.
AT: 04/26/2011 11:30:23 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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