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Email Subject Lines from Father's Day 2014

Email Subject Lines from Fathers Day 2014 7885-daily-golden-nugget-1019In today's Daily Golden Nugget, I'm reviewing website traffic and email headlines leading up to Father's Day in the USA, which was June 15 this year.

Organic traffic doesn't usually increase much during the weeks leading up to Father's Day, although this year there was an overall 10.52% increase during the 5 weeks right before the holiday.

During the week of May 19th, I only saw 2 emails mentioning Father's Day with these subject lines:

Find The Perfect Gift For Dad
A FREE Gift for Dad! (limited supply, today only!)

My email collection from the week of May 26th had 11 emails relating to Dads with these subject lines:

Great Gifts For Dad: NOW Up To 25% Off!
Find the perfect gift for Dad & save big!
This Just In: Dad will be Glad
Gifts To Represent A Father's Strength

June 2 -- 7 using the word father, 11 using the word dad
During the week beginning June 2nd, I counted 18 emails relating to Father's Day. Here are a few of the subject lines:

A Perfect Gift for Dad
Who's Your Daddy?
Spoil your Dad this Father's Day with Top Jewellery Brands!

June 9 -- 16 using the word dad, 13 using the word father
During the last week right before Father's Day I tracked only 29 emails, which is pretty sad considering the week before Mother's Day was flurried with 80 emails relating to Moms.

Here are some of the email subject lines from the week of June 9th:

Get a watch for Dad + free overnight shipping!
It's the Time of the Year to Celebrate Our Dads
Father's Day Favorites. Don't Forget About Dad!
Make Dad's day.
Last-minute gifts for Dad + FREE overnight shipping!

I have to say that Father's Day doesn't get its fair share of advertising in the world of retail jewelry.

Most of the advertising was about watches; in fact, I tried to include subject lines above that didn't include "time" or "watch" phrasing without much success because there was so much of that.

Over the last year, I've met a lot of resistance when trying to coax a few of my customers to carry more of the latest men's fashion lines of jewelry, and to push them in their advertising.

Among the 60 total emails I received relating to Father's Day, only a few jewelers were advertising designers like John Hardy and David Yurman, and a few were advertising rings, bracelets, and cufflinks. Only one jeweler mentioned styles that could be customized with children's names.

With lower buy-ins and higher mark-ups, it always seems like there's a lot of money being left of the table that jewelers could easily capture, especially with alternative materials that the younger Dads would likely be interested in.

I find many stores who say they "deal in diamonds," and while that may absolutely be true, an entire market is going without. Men wear jewelry, and people buy jewelry for men.

AT: 06/19/2014 10:47:26 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry