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Holiday Hours

Quite some time ago, while we were A/B testing one of our websites, we discovered that your store hours should be posted on a page by themselves.

This single, dedicated page allows you to track exactly when people visit your website only to see when you're open.

While reviewing statistics from the past few years, we noticed a trend similar to the online activity we mentioned last week.

In November, the number of views of the Contact Us and Store Hours page increases each Saturday.

The Friday, Saturday, and Sunday right after Thanksgiving all have the highest number of Contact/Hours views for the entire season. More than double!

Then, throughout December, we have a consistent trend of more views each Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.

Here's what we can determine if we correlate the data presented last week with this information:

1. You have a high number of overall visitors to your website every Friday in December. They are both reviewing products and making up their shopping schedule for the weekend.
2. There are fewer website visitors on Saturdays, but those who do visit on Saturday are looking at your store hours.
3. There are even fewer site visitors on Sunday, but those who do are still looking for your store hours.
4. Our previous trend analysis suggested that weekend shoppers visit your website on Monday morning because they were disappointed with their weekend shopping efforts. But seeing a high number of visitors to the Contact/Hours pages also implies that people found your front door locked when they came shopping over the weekend.

Set up a specific Store Hours page on your website for better tracking. Review the number of visits to your own Contact Us page from last year then consider your store schedule for November and December. The data indicates that your longest store hours should be Thanksgiving weekend.

Make sure your store hours are easy to find on your mobile website. Those weekend shoppers will be visiting it a lot this year, and they will be looking for extended Saturday hours, as well as convenient Sunday hours.

DISCLAIMER: The above information is based on statistical data and attempted consumer psychological reasoning. Please review your own data for your site if you have it. Do not make any financial judgments based off this information, it's only meant to help you strategize your advertising efforts. Hindsight is always 20/20 and what we see from previous years does not mean the same thing will happen in 2010... Google TFYQA and have a great day.

DISCLAIMER: To protect the investment from our Gold Subscriber we have limited access to our extended series of Daily Nuggets regarding the Holiday Season. Gold Subscriptions are only available to 1 retail jewelry store per zip code. Please call 888-872-0274 for more details or visit
AT: 09/22/2010 02:26:01 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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