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Increase sales through Wish Lists

During our live broadcast on August 27, 2010 we demonstrated how important a wish list is for a jewelry website and, more importantly, that a customer should be able to add items to their wish list from their cell phones.

Here's another Gold Nugget idea you can implement with those wish lists for the 2010 Holiday Season: Wish List Special Offers.

Recent research data from the location based service WeReward identified that consumers are willing to change their purchase decisions with a special discount for as low as $2.00.

Let's apply this idea to your marketing while at the same time adding value for the purchaser of an item from a wish list.

How do you notify significant others that a wish list is waiting for them at your store? Do you mail a postcard or a copy of the wish list? You should at least send an email.

In that wish list notice, provide a special offer that states you will include a cleaning, gift box and gift wrapping for any item purchased from that wish list. Additionally, offer a free bottle of jewelry cleaner and/or a cleaning cloth with the same purchase, also gift wrapped. Alternatively you could offer a discount or some other jewelry item for free, but this option is not good if you never discount.

Make sure the notice you send to the significant other states exactly what service they will receive when they purchase one of the items from the given wish list. You also need to stipulate the exact value of the cleaning, gift wrapping and bottle of jewelry cleaner. The stated value is important because they will know how much money they lose if they don't purchase from you. The value-added service is for the buyer, not the jewelry recipient.

In order to implement this idea, you need some type of wish list setup or lady's night event. Then you need to follow through with notices to the significant others. And finally you need to make sure your staff understands the importance of the value-added service that accompanies each purchase from a wish list, i.e. make the buyer feel extra special about the purchase.
AT: 09/14/2010 02:27:54 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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