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Top 10 Daily Golden Nuggets of All Time

Top 10 Daily Golden Nuggets of All Time daily-golden-nugget-1451-43
I'm going back to my own jWAG website tracking today to look at the top 10 Daily Golden Nuggets of all time, that are still relevant today. I see that some of the Nuggets with the highest reader count are out of date because Facebook and Google have changed things, and a few others are very similar so I'll have to do some consolidating.

Popular Screen Resolutions

1. The most popular screen resolutions change constantly as new mobile devices and laptops are introduced. I publish an updated version of screen resolutions every 6 months or so because they are so well received. I'm not linking to any specific Nugget here because there are 4 of them in the most popular list, so I'm just consolidating them all into first place. It just so happens I'll be publishing another one of these tomorrow!

Punctuation in Page Titles

2. The Page Title Debate of Commas, Hyphens, and Pipes
In this Nugget, I dive into the different opinions about using hyphens, pipes, commas, and the em-hyphen in web page titles. This is a good one to review when you're working to improve the SEO of your page titles.

Image SEO

3. Image SEO with Alt and Title Attributes
Most websites I review are missing a great SEO opportunity with how they upload their images. Many webmasters upload images with poor filenames and it's very rare that I see websites with the correct use of ALT and TITLE tag attributes. Applying the information from this Nugget should give any website a boost in ranking.

QR Codes

4. What are those square dot-like bar codes becoming so popular?
QR codes were a marketing fad in the U.S. in 2010 that quickly died out. Most marketing implementations were poorly conceived because the technology was misunderstood. Like all fads, the popularity had faded and has now been replaced by more useful implementations. Some of the recent useful implementations I've seen include signage in a bank providing a fast way to download their mobile banking app, codes on fast food packaging that leads to nutrition information, and codes on restaurant menus that lead to a page of the current in-stock wine list that would be best paired with your dinner selection. Like all new internet technology, you should strive to find the best way to use it to improve customer service instead of just using it because it's a fad.


5. Ideas for Succeeding with Groupon
As I write this, Groupon just announced that their earnings for 2015 fourth quarter were 9% higher than forecast expectations. I guess they're not dead yet, but their daily deal business model has always been difficult for any business to successfully use. This Nugget explains a few ways to include up-sells in the Groupon daily deal so you don't completely lose your shirt when trying to use it.

Instagram Spam

6. Dealing with Instagram Spam Accounts
This Nugget explains how to identify spam accounts on Instagram and how to report them. Don't tolerate social media spam; fight back.

Google+ Mentions

7. Understanding How To +Mention Someone in a Google+ Comment
Here, I provided some specific instructions and explanations about Google+ etiquette and what happens when you mention someone's name in a comment on their post.

Google Analytics Audience Overview

8. Google Analytics: Understanding the Audience Overview Report
Website owners should have a basic understand of Google Analytics, starting with understanding their audience. This Nugget explains how to read that report.

Product Descriptions

9. Writing Successful Product Descriptions for Jewelry Websites
Struggling to write product descriptions for your website? However you describe the product when you are face-to-face with someone is how you should describe it on your website. This post explains that in a bit more detail.

Meta Descriptions

10. Meta Descriptions are Your Online Jewelry Window Displays
Although I write about meta descriptions often, this one really explains good tactics for crafting them for different purposes, like your home page, landing pages, and other pages of your site.

Future #TBT

As I said, I had to skip over a few Nuggets that are now out of date because of how the internet changed. I'll have to return back to these topics in future #ThrowbackThursday editions:
  • Setting up your Google+ Profile
  • How to delete a duplicate Google Business listing
  • How to fix Google manager invitations that don't send
  • Facebook cover photo visibility areas

If you like Top 10 lists, you might want to read the Top 10 of 2015 and the Top 10 according to Facebook that I published previously.

AT: 02/15/2016 09:58:17 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

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