Today's Daily Golden Nugget explains what I set up for that store, and the results we already see after only 3 weeks. Use this case study as a blueprint for your own efforts.
This particular jeweler had 60 pages on their website and a product catalog with almost 100 items. They were using an automated feature to generate the Page Title and the Meta Description of every page. Most of the automated titles were bad, and the meta descriptions were not good representations of the actual content.
The first step was to review each of those 60 pages and manually write a Page Title of less than 67 characters and a Meta Description of 150 characters or less. This took about 16 hours to read each of those 60 pages and write appropriate titles and descriptions.
The next step was to figure out how to include "gold buying" into their website. The actual reason their website didn't appear for the phrase "gold buying" was simply because that phrase was not included anywhere on their site at all. In fact there was no indication that they bought gold, diamonds, or any precious metal.
That's what needed to change, but instead of simply saying "Hey, we buy gold!" we needed a really good way to let Google know this was one of the store's services. I recommended a fast strategy of writing 5 blog posts.
Here are the topics covered in each blog post:
1. A story of how gold was melted down and used to make gold jewelry 200 years ago.
2. A story about how gold jewelry can tarnish someone's finger and how to tell if it's real gold jewelry or costume jewelry. This included a discussion of ways to test gold.
3. A discussion of whether it's better to sell your jewelry, the diamonds, and precious gemstones that are in the jewelry, or if you should have them restyled instead.
4. A historical look at the rising and falling price of gold during the last 2 years and a discussion of when it's a good time to sell your gold jewelry for cash.
5. A detailed blog entry about the process of buying gold from customers and what consumers should look for when selecting a jeweler to sell their jewelry to.
As you can see those 5 blog posts covered a lot of different topics, but somehow they were all related to buying or selling gold.
I didn't want to simply post all these blogs on their website with the same publishing date, so I had the first 4 backdated to random dates during the last 7 months. The 5th blog used the actual date we posted it. Search engines will know that they were all posted on the same day, but future website visitors will think the jeweler was posting educational articles for a while.
After 3 week the results are clearly visible in Google Analytics. The website is now attracting visitors that search for several different gold buying/selling phrases including these:
* sell my gold
* where do I sell my gold
* who buys gold
* when should I sell my gold
{plus many more single and double word phrases}
Each of the blog pages is acting as a landing page for the phrases, which means Google immediately realized the value of the pages for gold buying/selling and is listing it in search results. Admittedly these results are not huge; these five blogs have under 10 visitors each in the first 3 weeks.
So there you have it, that's the blueprint I used to help a jeweler that wanted to rank for a phrase they previously didn't rank for. You can use this same blueprint to rank your website for any phrase.