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How Jewelry Stores Can Use Promotions in Their Emails

The other day I wrote that you could ethically bribe your customers into signing up for your emails by telling them you "occasionally send out offers and promotions." I only call it a bribe because that's a much more acceptable reason for someone to hand over their email address to a jewelry store.

Let's face it, most customers will not sign up for yet another email list, and potentially open themselves up to spam, unless they feel there will be a strong benefit for them. Service businesses have an easier time convincing people to sign up for "informational newsletters" than a jewelry store will. Let's face it, when was the last time you were willing to hand over your email address to the cashier at your favorite shoe store, or clothing store. They, just like you, are a retail store that customers will expect to get promotional offers from.

Promotions, deals, coupons, and sale notifications are what retail buyers expect you to send them. They will not expect you to send them newsletters with birthstone of the month information, or details of your latest diamond buying trip. But you will, and that's what will set your regular email apart from other random retail stores.

Many of you reading this are high class jewelry stores, and you need to set yourself apart with a high class newsletter.

HOWEVER, remember that ethical bribe? You still need to give them what they expected at least a few times every year. It's best to do it on the first email too.

So here's a few business boosting strategies for sending promotions through email.

1. When someone signs up to your email list, you should immediately send them a confirmation thank you email. That email should contain a limited time offer for an online special or in-store special. Carry any loss leaders in your store? This is a perfect way to use them.

2. The holidays are coming up and everyone wants to know when the best sales will be and what items will be on sale on what days. Customers will look forward to receiving promotions for Black Friday, so give them what they expect.

3. If you only send 1 email a month then you will need to offer a regular promotion. Many jewelers I work with have birthstone of the month items on special every month. This is something you could easily mention in your monthly email.

4. Announcements of special in-store events are another common item in a monthly newsletter. You could offer a special discount to everyone who registers early, or for those who simply show up.

Remember, you if you bribed them with "email discounts" you have to make good on your bribe, otherwise they will unsubscribe. The best way to permanently hook them is to send a promotion in your first email, the confirmation email.
AT: 09/20/2012 09:03:04 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry