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Creating your YouTube Account

It's best to have a pre-existing Google account before you create a YouTube account for yourself. The two accounts will link nicely together. While logged into your account, navigate over to and follow the directions to create an account using your existing Google account.

Be careful with your YouTube user name.

Your chosen YouTube username becomes your "Channel" name. Do your best to select a name that matches your store's name. If your store's name is "Venus Creations" then try for "venuscreations" as your channel name. If that's not available, then try "venuscreationsjewelry" or "venuscreationsjewelers." Whatever you select, you want to make sure there's a clear association to your store's name and brand.

Once your username is selected, your video channel will be available through a simple link like; you'll even be able to include that on your business cards.

Within your YouTube account you have the ability to Describe Yourself, Enter your website, enter your First and Last Name, Gender, Age, Hometown, Current City, Career, Education, and several types of Interests. Each of these boxes should be filled out as much as possible. Don't simply repeat the words "diamond engagement ring diamond engagement ring" over and over; instead, be conversational. Write something of interest for each field about jewelry, the store, your education and why it is important and maybe even other educational details for people to reference. Most people won't read everything you put in there, but the search engine will see it, and potential viewers will feel more at ease that you've provided that much information.

You should also upload a photo. It could be of your store, or of yourself. It depends if you want to spotlight the store's name as the more important aspect, or you as the owner.

Further into your YouTube account setting you will find options to share your activity. At the time of this writing, these options were found by clicking on the "Activity Sharing" link in the left margin of your Account Settings screen.

You should take the default settings for shared activities. They include liking a video, commenting on a video, subscribing to a channel, marking a video as a favorite and uploading a video. However, your activity won't actually be shared until you connect one of your other social networking accounts.

At the time this Nugget was written you were about to connect YouTube to Facebook, Twitter, Google Reader, Orkut and MySpace. Click the Connect Accounts link and follow the setup directions.

Everything we've mentioned in today's Nugget is aimed at increasing the likelihood that your YouTube channel will be found by Google and Bing. In other words, this is the SEO of your YouTube channel. The guidance given here today was simply to get you started. Tomorrow we'll explain some details about SEO for individual videos.
AT: 05/05/2011 11:24:24 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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