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Fresh Content Matters

This is a simple idea: the more often you update your website, the better it will look in the search engines.

Google claims they attempt to re-read the entire internet every few days. The Google spider searches for new information all the time, and when it finds something new, it rushes to read every last page. This rush to read new content is visible in your Google Webmaster Tools when you publish several new pages on your site on the same day, or when you first launch a new product catalog.

Fresh content on Facebook and Twitter is also monitored constantly. In fact, Twitter is especially scrutinized and any tweets related to breaking news are shown in a special window on a SERP. This is part of Google's Buzz feature.

Most of the time the search engines will return the oldest websites that have demonstrated popularity or credible content. Usually newer web pages are ignored. On the other hand, if many people start suddenly searching for similar phrases Google will turn their SERP results upside down and start returning the most recent information first.

If you keep an active blog or Twitter, you should post to them whenever you have a clear opportunity to comment on current news, fashion or events and can also mention something jewelry related. The perfect opportunity for this is during any televised award ceremony.

You don't have to always rush to post a commentary to current events; it's just one idea. If you post regularly, just try to vary your information. You never know when your blog entry about a random obscure topic will be thrust to the front of the SERP.
AT: 03/10/2011 10:12:24 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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