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Do You Think Wider is Better?

What situations can you think of where being wider is better than thinner?

Can you think of any? You probably could think of a few time when wider is *not* better--like when trying to fit a refrigerator through the typical door; or when your car is too wide to fit into a thin parking space. Perhaps your flat head screwdriver is too wide for the precision screw you need to remove.

So, can you think optimistically and not pessimistically and come up with a time when wider is better?

We're being a little playful this Monday to make a simple point: Wide Websites Are Good

What we're actually saying is that a website with many pages is a "deeper" or a "larger" or a "wider" website; depending on your point of view.

In the SEO world, we don't actually call them "wide" website, but rather "authority" websites. The more you have to say on a topic the more pages you will have on your site, and therefore you turn into an authority.

You can easily increase the size of your website if you add new blog entries or post your monthly newsletters. You could also add new articles about jewelry wardrobe ideas and birthstones of the month, etc.

It used to be that Google would only give you 2 potential chances at showing up on the SERP. If your search engine optimization tactics were good, you would have a better chance at getting a spot on the page. But now Google will reward you for a wider website.

Now Google makes it much easier for users to find a large number of results from your website, if their search query indicates a strong interest in what you are offering.

Let's say you have 12 pages on your site dedicated to Pandora Jewelry. Perhaps a few event announcements, a special offer, descriptive pages for a few beads, etc.

When someone in your local market searches for "jewelry store that carries pandora" your site should appear with several of your Pandora Jewelry pages listed.

What's the bottom line for this Nugget today? Add more pages to your website that talk about a single topic or single product group. The more you add, the easier your site will squash your local competing jewelry store.
AT: 11/22/2010 01:35:17 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
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