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Your Holiday Storytelling has Lower Stress

So far, in this week's Daily Gold Nuggets, we've been explaining that storytelling through your emails, blog or Facebook posts will build a better relationship with your customers than simply trying to shove ads in their face.

The storytelling continues again, but the next story needs to be a few days after the last. In this next story, you want to tell your readers that you are finished decorating your store, and show the photos from the process. A good solution is to take photos from your smart phone and upload them to Flickr or DailyBooth or Picasa. Then, as you write this next part of your story, you can link to those photos that are already online.

Don't make the mistake of taking photos and uploading them to Facebook through your phone. Photos uploaded to Facebook will automatically post to your Wall. You don't want that. Instead, you want to publish the next part of your story with links to the photos. Don't spoil the surprise to your Facebook friends. Include a side note in your story that you occasionally upload photos from your phone to your photo sharing account and invite them to follow you there.

Other than telling the story of the decorating process, introduce a human element into the story by explaining how overwhelming the process was and that you feel a lot less stress now that it's done.

Do you have a holiday party coming up? At the end of this part of the story, you should extend an invitation to attend. Tell the reader that they should call the store, or email to RSVP. Tell them to also watch your store's Facebook Business Page for an official invitation.

If you're not planning a party for your customers, hopefully you have one planned for your staff. In either case, make sure to take some photos and upload them to your photo sharing site.

The story continues tomorrow and Friday.
AT: 11/10/2010 11:41:39 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
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