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There's a New Search Engine:

Today's Daily Gold Nugget is sort of an "FYI." We want to make sure you are aware of a new emerging technology that may impact your bottom line eventually if it catches on.

After rumors and reviews from some initial 8,000 beta testers, yesterday, November 1, 2010 the new search engine opened to the public.

In the past 30 days, we've measured all inbound search engine traffic for the jewelry websites we host. Here are our results:
Google 69%
Yahoo 17%
Bing 10%
AOL 2%
Ask 1%
Search 1%

Google has clear dominance for creating inbound traffic for jewelry stores. That's why we don't bother providing SEO services or analyzing SEO results from other search engines. We also know that if you strive for organic search excellence in Google, your efforts will also produce fruit in the rest.

Although, these search engines have a common flaw. They were all designed for an internet that does not exist anymore. They were created to find content and give you results when you didn't know what you were looking for, or didn't have a way to ask for help.

Google's basic principals are still based on popularity or quantity of information. Your popularity is counted by the number of links you have and quantity is measured by the amount of information on your website or found elsewhere on the internet.

Google and the others have been tricked by very clever internet marketing guys. There are easy ways to create websites whose only purpose for living is to create low value content with links back to your website. Maybe you've even come across one of these sites yourself in the past few years. They usually don't have viable information on them and are rather confusing to read.

We've been saying for some time that eventually Google would figure out how to remove all these spam websites from their index. It's a waste of our time to get caught in one of these junk sites, and it's a waste of money for people to be paying for links like this.

But now the internet is social, and instead of getting aggravated by spammy search results, we all have the ability to tap into the knowledge and recommendations from our friends. The primary means for this is Twitter, Facebook and, believe it or not, cell phone apps.

In the past year, many companies have tried to create social recommendation sites, but none of them have achieved wide spread use.

Enter the new search engine Blekko ( )

Blekko is still very much in "beta" and their search algorithm seems completely different than anything we've ever seen before.

First, they've been spidering the internet for more than a year, and their index seems very large. We tested it yesterday and the SERP returned all the websites we expected to see, but in a wildly different order. The beautiful feature is that all the spammy sites were gone. Only the valid, viable websites were in the SERP.

We don't know if this new search engine will be widely adopted, but it has the potential to make all the others rethink their approach. Unfortunately, it also means all of us website owners ALSO have to rethink our organic search strategy too, because what works for Google absolutely does not work right now for Blekko.

There are many features built into this new engine, but we're not going to tell you about them through our daily nuggets. Instead, look for them as other blog or training articles on
AT: 11/02/2010 12:50:06 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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