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Tips to Write Copy, Part 4 of 4

This is the conclusion of a 4-part series providing specific instructions and examples of how to write effective copy for your website and emails.

Each day we're providing you 3 tips.

10. Write As If Your Reader Is 10 Years Old.

If you've been following our works for a while you should know we always write our educational material and our sales letters so they are easy to understand, without ambiguity. Okay, "ambiguity" is a larger word than we normally use. The point is that you need to write your emails and web pages so the average person will immediately understand what you're saying.

Don't make someone need to stop and think about a word. Don't be too creative where a new vocabulary term is stuck in someone's head for the rest of the day. You want the image of the jewelry stuck in their head rather than the word "lavaliere" that you might use to describe the chain.

People are not dumb and we don't suggest you talk down to them. Just write your sales message so it's quick and easy to understand.

11. Plan on Eleven Emails or Points of Contact

The typical online buyer needs to be exposed to your marketing message between six to nine times before buying from you. This is all part of the branding process for your jewelry store.

How could you do close the gap between the time they see your first message to the time they purchase? First, you need to make sure you are always targeting the same audience and not casting too wide of a net.

Let's connect the dots of your advertising.
Who sees your billboard? Will those same people also hear your radio ad? Or will they read the newspaper you are advertising in?

All billboards, newspapers and radio stations have targeted demographics. A highway billboard is way too broad of a demographic for a jeweler. Do you really think 99% of the people driving down the highway at 65mph even live in your local area? On the other hand, that billboard on the off ramp of the highway is a perfect spot if it's within easy driving of your store.

Are you advertising on a local radio station? Local as in only the people within your valley can hear it? Great! That's your local demographic.

All your offline ads need to lead people to your website, and your website needs to provide an opt-in for them to join your email newsletter and special offers email update list.

Once you have a new lead on your email list you should send them your monthly newsletter and perhaps 1 or 2 other "special" offers for the month. We actually recommend a weekly newsletter. Check out our Live Event 2 videos for a 90 min discussion of exactly what topics to include in the weekly newsletter.

12. Cross Your Fingers

Okay that's not exactly a tip. But honestly everything we've been telling you in this 4-part Nugget series is open for interpretation, and things might not work exactly for you as it does for someone in another area of the country, or the world.

As usual we are reporting to you what we know works for jewelers we've helped, or studied, and of course our own measurements.

Our guidance should put you ahead of the rest of your local jewelers as long as you actually go out and do this stuff.

We'll leave you with this for now: Google TFYQA and have a wonderful day!

Oh, and if you liked this 4-part series please give us some feedback or post a comment.

AT: 11/01/2010 12:07:11 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry