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If a picture is worth 1000 words, would you use a camera with a smudged lens?

Your website is the public face of your business online. During this recession we saw a lot of jewelry stores close, and as we shut down their websites we couldn't help but wonder if the sub par images on their site contributed to their downfall.

The photography on your site is very important. Particularly the jewelry photography for product catalogs. Images need to be high quality, "pop" off the page, show color and detail well and, most of all, they have to tell a story to the person who wants the jewelry.

Photos of your store should be sharp and present well. Photos of your staff should either be coordinated or show them at their normal work station (i.e. the bench jeweler hard at work). When it comes to photos of your product, we suggest getting a light box and learning jewelry photography. Otherwise, just use high quality stock photos from your vendors until you can learn the photo process.

Lastly, our eyes are naturally drawn to images of people, especially faces. Be creative, and show natural/candid photos of people and your customers will gravitate to you.
AT: 07/30/2010 05:58:21 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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