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Use Storytelling to Build Valuable Website Content

Use Storytelling to Build Valuable Website Content daily-golden-nugget-1189-36
Throwback Thursday is the name of a weekly internet trend where participants repost photos from the past. This is especially popular on Instagram where users tag their photos with the #TBT hashtag.

Truthfully, you can "throwback" anything that happened in the past. It could be a social media post, a photo, a blog post, or yes, even a Daily Golden Nugget!

Honestly, this is my first participation in a TBT, but what the heck; let's do it with a slightly different spin. I'm going to mention a previous Daily Golden Nugget and update it a little.

Back on February 15, 2012, I explained how storytelling builds great content for jewelers. In that throwback Nugget, I explained how Google was trying to learn the relationship between words, rather than just matching search queries to random website content. In yesterday's Nugget, I also explained the 4 different types of search query intent that Google also uses to match queries to website content.

The massive amounts of data that Google collects allows them to match search query phrases to content based on previous the actions by thousands of other people.

When you forcibly write content for your website, you often tend to focus too much on keywords and phrases that might make your writing sound insincere, but that doesn't happen with storytelling. Storytelling is supposed to entertain the reader, and perhaps share some important information along the way. Stories don't sound forced, and they make for much better website content.

Google has completely reengineered their search engine algorithm since I wrote this throwback storytelling Nugget. They haven't quite figured out artificial intelligence, but they certainly do know how to cross reference search intent with content.

Truthfully, you only need to mention your target keywords once or twice in your story. Google somehow understands how to associate your stories to themes and topics that can be used for a broad range of matching.

Valentine's Day is a good time to collect a new set of stories for your website. Around this time of year, you're likely to hear specific loving stories from your customers. You should document these stories and eventually turn them into blog posts of 250 words or more.

You should pay close attention to any story that might resonate with another future customer. Those stories of first love, first gifts, and why they chose jewelry over some other gift will surely ring true to future readers. Those readers will see how you helped previous customers discover that perfect jewelry item and hope for the same when they call upon you.

Storytelling is a simple technique that you can use all year long. You just need to pay attention to customers who like to share their stories, so you can document them. Good stories always include artwork, so try to include a photo of the jewelry that you helped them purchase.

Make sure to change or omit the customer's real names, unless they give you permission. Proposal stories are always easy to tell, especially if you can get details of the proposal itself, include a photo of the couple, their names, and the name of the town they live in.

Storytelling is the easy way to build written content on your website, but you still need to make time to do it. You can't expect a freelance writer to tell these stories for you.

AT: 02/12/2015 01:38:48 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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