Today I'm stepping back into 2015 to review the top 10 Daily Golden Nugget posts according to my Google Analytics account. Take a quick look to see if you remember them, and if you were able to put any of this information to use:
EVM Chip Cards
1. U.S. Retailers Must Install EMV Chip Card Terminals at Point-of-Sale by October 1, 2015
This was the first of several posts I did in 2015, warning about the impending situation regarding smart chip payment cards. Even now as I write this more than a year later, and long after the October 1, 2015 deadline, many merchants in the U.S. are still using card swipe readers, and many payment card companies still have not issued cards with chips. Naturally, that means credit card identity theft is still a big issue... In fact, I'm waiting for a replacement card from my bank right now.
2. How to Edit Page Titles and Meta Descriptions in Weebly
I'm surprised to see this one in here because it was a quick one to write, and I thought it was quite trivial. I guess there are a lot of Weebly users out there that needed help. Good to know.
3. Pandora Plans For Higher Profits Despite The Poor Treatment Dished To Retailers
So how is Pandora treating you today? I beat up Pandora pretty badly in this post, diving deeply into their Q1 report and making some recommendations. I just might have to #TBT this one and update it. Little hint though, according to Google, the phrase "Pandora Charms" was more popular this year than "Pandora Jewelry." I guess their jewelry marketing is slipping.
JCK Talks: Blogging
4. JCK Talks 2015: The Power of Blogging
I like that this one made it into the top list for the year. I was reporting live from the JCK Talks last year and wrote up in depth summaries of each one. This one was one of my favorites. It was great to see other bloggers on stage talking about their experiences. Are you an aspiring blogger? Read this for some insights.
Keyword Research
5. 2014 Holiday Keyword Report for Jewelers, Jewelry, and Jewelry Stores
I'm glad this one landed in the top list, especially since I'm currently working on the keyword research for the 2015 season. The information in this research is usually good for a few years. In fact, I decided not to analyze the 2015 jewelry stores data, so refer back to this one if you need it.
Domain Name Scams
6. Protect Yourself From Continued Domain Name Scams
Someone is always going to try to scam someone else. That's just the way it is in business. I hate these scam companies and write about them every time I see a new one. I'm glad this one is helping protect people.
Google Business View
7. How Jewelers Should Mitigate Security Risks from Google Business View
Wow, I'm really happy this one got into the top 10 list. I had to invest a lot of time and money to become Google Business View certified just to write this article. It's still extremely valuable. Please use it.
Designers & Retails Need to Revitalize the Industry
8. Jewelry Designers and Retail Jewelers: A Potential Marriage To Revitalize The Industry
The retail jewelry industry is still contracting. If you plan on staying in business then you need a better plan than what you have been using for generations. This Nugget had a few of my ideas to build a better plan. This might be a good one if you're struggling with your business.
9. Learning Branding and Social Engagement From IHOP's New Logo and Social Campaign
Hah! I did laugh when I saw this one in my top list. In here, I explained IHOP's approach to changing their menu and speeding up the turnover in their restaurants. The point of this post was to show that you could probably find one thing in your store that would speed up customer service. Read it again to give yourself some ideas.
Holiday Run-Up
10. Branding Your Holiday Advertising: Holiday 2015 Run-up
Every year, I write a long series of marketing ideas and business strategies that jewelers can use for the holiday season. I call it my Holiday Run-Up. These ideas are usable again and again. Bookmark this one and refer back to it often.
Some that didn't make the top 10, but I wish they had...
Here are a few others that I wish made it to the top 10 list, but at least they were in the top 25.
Product Photography Example and Analysis - This came in at 11th place. Almost. Good photography tips.
You Should Fear Mobilegeddon - Those without a mobile website are condemned to eventual failure. Take action.
Marriage Equality: How Retail Jewelers Can Embrace It - Explanation on what retailers should do attract same-sex couples in their store.
Planning Your Jewelry Store's Profitable Future - Is your jewelry store profitable? In this one I cover the changes in the industry and give some ideas and resources to improve things.