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How To: Segmentation in Google AdWords

How To Segmentation in Google AdWords 8398-daily-golden-nugget-763Over the last 2 days I've given you some ideas on how to accomplish your keyword research and write blog posts to specifically target people interested in Le Vian jewelry. The steps I explained can be applied to any jewelry designer when you want to use content marketing to attract customers.

"Content marketing" is the process of adding lots of information to you website in hopes that search engines will rank you highly for specific keyword phrases. But sometimes content marketing isn't enough because you are left to the changing whims of the search engines.

Sometimes it's better to use paid advertising like Google AdWords.

I'm going to continue using the phrase "Le Vian Jewelry" in my example today as I explain how to create ads based around some keyword phrase perditions. Although I'm going to reference AdWords below, I'm only doing this so you understand this type of target marketing, not to teach you AdWords.

I'm setting an AdWords goal to target only the people who are interested in buying Le Vian jewelry. A novice AdWords campaign would use the phrase "le vian jewelry" and write some ads about it, but the results would be very expensive with very little sales.

In order to target ONLY buyers we have to be very selective in our keyword choices. Google AdWords now has a built-in tool that makes figuring out the keyword choices very easy. It's called the Keyword Planner, and here's how I use it...

Starting out, I know that the phrase "le vian jewelry" is pretty generic. From experience I know that people who really want to buy something will type "place to buy ____" into search, so I use that phrase in the Keyword Planner tool. The tool returns a lot of options, but I'm looking for very specific phrases.

Using "place to buy le vian jewelry" as my source, Google returns many options, including these:
* where to buy le vian jewelry
* le vian jewelry reviews
* le vian jewelry prices
* best place to buy le vian jewelry
* where is the best place to buy le vian jewelry

Each of those phrase suggestions can now be morphed into the limited 25 character headline used in AdWords.

For people typing "where to buy le vian jewelry" into search you should answer them with a headline that reads "We Sell LeVian Jewelry" -- 22 characters

When someone wants "le vian jewelry reviews" you could have an ad with the headline "5-Star LeVian Reviews" -- 21 characters

People asking for "le vian jewelry prices" might be looking for the lowest prices or they could just be curious about Le Vian's prices in general. You could answer them with the headline "Lowest LeVian Prices" -- 20 characters

The last two questions can be answered with the same ad headline. Those wanting to know the "best place to buy le vian jewelry" will get their answer when you say "We're Best with LeVian" (22 characters) or "Large Selection of LeVian" (25 characters).

Using this type of ad headline technique might seem easy, but there is a lot more to the AdWords setup. I skipped over the full keyword selection process and organizing those keywords into Ad Groups. The main purpose of this Nugget was to illustrate that you can segment your online paid advertising according to specific keywords. With this type of advertising there will be fewer people who see each ad, but they are better prospects than the broad AdWords targeting.

AT: 06/26/2013 08:58:49 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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