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Consumer Mobile Habits Will Shape the Coming Holiday Season

Consumer Mobile Habits Will Shape the Coming Holiday Season Daily-Golden-Nugget-571It's the beginning of a new month and the beginning of the 4th quarter of 2012. For the retail jeweler, and most other retail stores, this is also the beginning of the busiest part of the year. During these next few months consumers will be using the internet as a tool to better their lives, save time, and help them make important shopping decisions.

Much of what we do on the internet now is no longer limited to a desktop computer. Smartphones have become the most common starting place for online activity. Consumers got their first taste of freedom once fast cell phone network speeds of 3G, 4G, and LTE, and faster smartphone were available. We're not a world tethered to our computers any more. We can enjoy activities in the real world but yet stay connected to the internet and our social activities.

Before 3G was available most people didn't have the luxury of "Googling" a topic at the exact time they needed information, but now it's common. How many of us have stood in a grocery store trying to find a recipe for dinner just so we could see what we need to pick up? I certainly have.

Think about this: How many times have you gone shopping for something only to realize, once you get into the store, that you haven't fully thought through what you really need to buy? For example, you need to get a housewarming gift, but suddenly you don't know what's appropriate. Or maybe you need to buy new clothes for a special occasion, but your realize that you don't know if you should buy something blue, red, yellow, or just black. And what about those times when you're invited to a dinner party and you think to bring a bottle of wine, but what do you choose as the best wine paired with the meal?

Each of the examples above are a perfect reason why we would open our smartphones and go-a-googling. I'd also like to point out that each of those examples demonstrates how we as consumers use our smartphones while we're inside of a retail store.

Although you don't realize it today, during the next 3 months consumers will be standing in your store using their smartphones for similar reasons. Do you think someone knows what they are looking for exactly when they walk into your store looking for a jewelry gift? Sure, it might be your job to find out their needs and help them, but they also just might want to browse and decide for themselves.

Here are some reasons I can think of for customers to use their smartphone instead of wanting to talk to you, or believe your opinion, after all, you're just a sales person who wants to sell them something....

1. What is an appropriate jewelry gift for a new girlfriend, a new boyfriend?
2. What is the appropriate jewelry gift for our first Christmas/Hanukkah/holiday together?
3. What the appropriate jewelry gift to buy for my wife/husband on our first holiday together?
4. What are good suggestions for jewelry for a grandparent that will be given by a grandchild?

To find answers to each of these questions some people will search Google for blog posts, news articles, or they might go to Facebook to ask their friends. I'd like to point out that consumers probably won't find the answer on your website because a Google search will return the best answers for the questions they asked.

You'd have a chance to show in the Google SERP if you have blog posts relating to the questions or similar questions I gave above. Make sure you include photos and links to your online product catalog and exact products that you are suggesting.

The bottom line Golden Nugget here is that you could gain the attention of customers who are not only in your store, but also standing in your competitor's retail store.
AT: 10/01/2012 06:47:39 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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