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Coming Soon

The New Year is coming soon, and perhaps so is your website.

Understanding website usability is tedious. Ultimately you never want to trick your users into thinking there's more information to read or more jewelry to look at. It can be very frustrating for users who think they found what they were looking for only to click a link and read "Coming Soon."

On the other hand, it might surprise you to find out that those coming soon pages will help your website in the long run. Google tracks the date a link first shows up on a website, and the date a page is first linked to from another website. So put up those coming soon pages, but make them beneficial somehow.

You could have this message:
"The information for this page is coming soon. We have some other jewelry information here (link) or you can browse our online jewelry catalog (link)."

You could also have images of jewelry that somehow relates to this coming soon page.

In early 2011 we registered a few brand new domain names with GoDaddy and we let GoDaddy put up their default "Coming Soon" page. Without us realizing it, GoDaddy linked each of our domain names to other domains and before we knew it, Google was indexing the coming soon page every few days.

In this case, the benefit of the coming soon page for an entire domain name was that our websites were spidered by Google within 24 hours of each site going live.

As we approach 2012, you should think about how you will be changing your website in the next few months and start adding a few of those coming soon pages now.
AT: 12/26/2011 11:37:06 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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