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Grain of SEO Gold: Page Titles

This is part of our Grain of SEO Gold Series for Jewelers--short SEO tidbits.

Page titles are the undisputed most important search engine optimization item of every individual web page. Every page of your website should have a unique page title that serves as an appropriate headline for the content of your page.

We've found the best SEO results when we match the page title to the page's file name (i.e. the URL) and to the largest headline within the page. Tying those 3 items together have produced successful SEO results throughout all of 2011.

Watch of for default page title settings from the software you're using or the content management system you have. WordPress, Joomla, Magento, and almost all content management systems provide a default setting that auto-creates all your page titles. Most of the time that title matches the page's name and doesn't really add value to your SEO

Automatic page names to watch out for:
* Home
* This is a web page
* Page about
* Untitled
* Homepage
* Content

Your website is never complete. Even after spending months prepping a brand new website, you must remember to go back through all the pages and products on your jewelry website and customize each and every page title.

It's tedious, but it will help you attract more potential buyers to your site and your store.
AT: 12/16/2011 03:24:00 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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