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Answer Their Questions and Show Them You Care

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page of your website is a great place to post all the typical questions you get from customers that visit your store.

Can you quickly recite the popular questions the people have asked you through the years? All of those popular questions belong on your FAQ page of your website.

But what about the not-so-popular questions?

People love to see you care about your customers and are willing to take the extra time to provide customer service. Answering specific questions on your website is a great way to prove you care. Here's how you can do it.

1. Put an "Ask the Jeweler" form on your website.
2. Post the questions and the answers to your website.
3. Email the "asker" the URL of the answer.

With any luck, the asker will be very happy you personally answered their question and they will share the page to their Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Here's a social media approach:

1. Create a custom tab on your Facebook Business Page with an "Ask the Jeweler" form.
2. Post the question and the answer to your website. Add a customized Facebook Like button to this page.
3. Post the question and the answer to another custom tab on your Facebook business page. Add a customized Facebook Like button to the Facebook tab as well.
4. Send the "asker" a link to your Facebook Tab so they can see the answer.
5. They will get excited and click the Like button, and that will post a link on their Facebook Wall for all their friends to see.
6. Their friends will click the link on the Wall and be taken to your website, not the Facebook Tab.

The social media approach is obviously more difficult to set up, but you are guaranteed to get new people to your website from "friend recommendations."

As a shameless plug, if you would like to implement this type of "Ask the Jeweler" system, you can give Sapphire Collaborative ( a call at 888-872-0874.
AT: 03/23/2011 01:20:13 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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