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Keyword Research That Wins

Let's propose a scenario.

A. You decide to set up a website for your jewelry store.
B. You hire the cheapest website designer you can find.
C. You spend time educating that designer because they have no clue what a 100 point RB solitaire is, and yet you want a photo of one of those on your home page.
D. You realize that you can't find the right 100 point RB photo, so now you have to learn how to take jewelry photos.
E. You finally get the right photo on the home page of your website and it looks perfect to you.
F. You open your website for business.

Is that scenario realistic? Well, each step will actually happens as you set up a new website, but surely there are 26 letters in the alphabet and there are at least 26 steps to setting up a brand new website.

After a month of having that beautifully brilliant and flawless 100 point RB on your home page, you still have zero hits each day and your Google ranking is for the birds. So what do you do?

First of all, you need to take that ring photo on your home page and go ask one of your friends or relatives that does not work with you to describe it to you. TAKE NOTES!

Your skin will probably crawl as they say something like, "well, it's a plain-looking ring with a round diamond."

Couldn't they at least call it an "engagement ring?"

Of course, the person you ask is probably not your target audience to sell that ring to. So here's a process that we like to use when writing content.

1. Go to
2. Type in the words "round diamond" in the search box.
3. Click the Search button.

The feature we've led you to is a special service from Wordtracker. They compile a list of actual questions that people type into the search engines. When you enter your phrase, they return back the top related questions that people have actually typed in the last 12 months.

The following are among the results for the "round diamond" example above:
Question 1: what type of setting can i put a round diamond in
Question 2: is color or clarity of round diamond more important
Question 3: what would the weight of a round diamond that measures 5.5

Using this special Wordtracker tool you can read the minds of your customers, and then you can write content on your website that magically answers the questions they are asking.

This type of keyword research and associated content writing is easy to do and helps you create unbeatable content that will zoom to the top of Google's rankings.

Your competition will never know what hit them. In fact, your competition might ask why you have such embellished information on your website that explains comparisons of diamond weights to other everyday items in the real world... like a chunk of a pencil eraser. They won't know why you took the time to write a few 500 word pages about the various ring settings that are good for round diamonds.

It will take at least 6 months for major SEO changes to take effect on any brand new website. Don't rest or relax your new content writing process even after you show up on page 1 of the SERPs. If your competition starts learning the same SEO techniques they could slowly steal your ranking from you.
AT: 02/08/2011 01:42:17 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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