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How-To Blog on Your Site

Let's jump back to the very basics for a moment. The word "blog" is a portmanteau of the words "web" and "log." In 1997, the process of writing and publishing online was considered a weblog, but then in 1999 it was shortened to just "blog."

Blogs are extremely popular now. In fact, we might even say they have become one of the largest driving forces of the internet. Everyone with an opinion (or a passion) has the ability to get online and offer a piece of their mind.

We'd love to see all our jewelry stores add a blog to their website. Naturally, we hear opposition to this all the time because "who has the time?" Right?

For business purposes you should consider your blogging time as "necessary advertising." But you should not consider it to be a chore; after all, aren’t you passionate about jewelry?

Please don't take any short cuts with your blog postings. You should never copy someone else's information to put on your own blog; it should be original. If you find yourself at a total loss for something new, you could write a how-to or a tutorial.

You might think it's trivial to explain "how-to clean your jewelry," or "how-to notice when the prongs on your solitaire might be loose," but people are not born with that knowledge. You have to teach them.

In fact, one of Google's top recommendations is to write how-to entries for your blog. Oh, and while you're at it, you should also include a bulleted list when appropriate. People who skim instead of fully read are always compelled to read bulleted lists.
AT: 02/07/2011 11:41:54 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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