Here's our collection of blog and social media coverage of that event:
The jWAG Post:
Read the Daily Golden Nugget coverage of the talk here

These are the photos posted to Facebook:
Terry HawkinsThe Retail Revolution@terryhawkinsusaPhotos from the JCK seminarFollow more live tweeting after lunch...
Posted by Matthew A Perosi on Thursday, May 28, 2015
Here is the photo posted to Instagram:
This is the collection of live tweets from the session:
Starting now: The Retail Revolution with @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Americans celebrate achievements a lot. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Americans wait for someone else to lead the way then follow. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Americans want to see the proof before trying something. Americans don't like to take business risks. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
You can make decisions today that will transform your future. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
A business doesn't go broke with one bad decision. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
We get addicted to people who get results rather than figuring out the formula. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
When was the last time you hugged a sales person because you loved them so much? @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
You need systematic programs to create team and customer experiences. The outcome is increased revenue. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Three are only 2 times in life: Now and Too Late @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Turn your company energy around make the customer experience better. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Sales people have the greatest customer intelligence in your company. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents #JCKLasVegas
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Too often management makes wrong customer decisions because they don't know the customers. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Don't work with customer who screw you down and want you to discount. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Give your employees skills that make them a better human being. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Employees will bring learned skills back to your business & it will make them stay with you. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks #JCKevents
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Just like junk food is cheaper and bad for your health, cheap employee training is bad for your business. @terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015
Go home and make a decision to change your company and get it started. You don't have to change the world.@terryhawkinsusa #JCKTalks
— Matthew A Perosi (@matthewperosi) May 28, 2015