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Monday, August 31, 2015

Implications of Google Local 3-Pack replacing the Google+ Local 7-Pack

Implications of Google Local 3-Pack replacing the Google+ Local 7-Pack daily-golden-nugget-1331-59
Back on July 10, 2015, I reported seeing a very different looking version of the Google Local search results in my Friday website review here. I was a little disturbed by the appearance of that mobile design and I'm now saddened to report that...

AT: 08/31/2015 09:31:29 AM   0 COMMENTS
Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Social Signal Ranking Factors

Social Signal Ranking Factors daily-golden-nugget-1118-29
If you ever get into a conversation with a search engine optimization professional (aka SEO), they usually bring up the topic of how Google ranks your website and that there are "more than 200 different signals" that Google uses for their ranking algorithm. It's Google's standard message that they are using more than 200 signals, but they've been saying the same thing for more than 10 years now.

Surly they must be using more than 200 signals now, but they'll never admit it.

From time to time, I'm able to measure the effects of certain t...

AT: 11/05/2014 12:22:33 PM   0 COMMENTS
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Setting the Preferred Domain for Your Website

Setting the Preferred Domain for Your Website daily-golden-nugget-1083-29
For today's Daily Nugget, I'm answering a direct question that came in from one of my readers. Did you know you can send me questions? Submit them through the contact form on the jWAG site, or send them to me through Google+ or Facebook.

The answer to this question is a little technical, but this brings together a few different topics.

Here's the question:
My nephew's been enjoying his SEO...

AT: 09/17/2014 07:26:36 AM   0 COMMENTS
Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Google Beheaded Authorship

Google Beheaded Authorship 4116-daily-golden-nugget-1072
Google's done it again. Off with the author's head!

Over the past four years I have written about many online marketing topics and website procedures that are no longer valid. Social networks, review websites, and SEO techniques are forever in flux.

Facebook has changed or removed many of the features I've written about, but not nearly as many times as Google has changed since my Daily Nuggets began.

Most of the time, Google quietly changes their search algorithm features without telling anyone. But there...

AT: 09/02/2014 11:49:20 AM   0 COMMENTS
Monday, June 02, 2014

Avoid Spamming Through Google Plus Email Notifications

 Avoid Spamming Through Google Plus Email Notifications 20-daily-golden-nugget-1006
Each social network has their own notification settings where you control how you should be notified when someone shares content.

On the smartphone, you have the ability to set the social networks to "push" a notification directly to your screen. These pop-up notifications will appear in front of whatever application you are running at the time.

You also have the ability to trigger an email notification to be sent whenever someone mentions your name, or sends a m...

AT: 06/02/2014 02:10:00 PM   0 COMMENTS
Monday, May 12, 2014

Business listing migration from Google Places into Google Places for Business

Business listing migration from Google Places into Google Places for Business 2396-daily-golden-nugget-991

"Google Maps will drive visitors directly to your doorstep."

That's how it all began way back on Monday, July 26, 2010 with the first Daily Golden Nugget I wrote. It was only 147 words because, after all, it was only supposed to be a "nugget" of information. Many nuggets are now 10 times tha...

AT: 05/12/2014 02:20:55 PM   0 COMMENTS
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Google Plus Hangout Notes and Future Features.

As I poke around Google+ I see hints of future features that will eventually merge the online digital world together. So many obvious features relate to white collar jobs. However, there is nothing yet for retail businesses specifically, like useful tools that retail jewelers can use to talk to jewelry customers.

Yesterday, one of the Google+ engineers requested feedback on how the videoconferencing Hangout could be used for business. Within (literally) minutes there were 303 responses! However, not a single one related to retail businesses.

As of today, I will predict your vendors using the video Hangouts to talk to you; but I still don't see a good use for video conversation between you and your customers. If the video quality were better I could argue the idea of showing jewelry, but honestly the video quality sucks ...

AT: 07/14/2011 11:12:56 AM   0 COMMENTS
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
-Ann, Gallery 4, Hamden CT

"...serious kudos to you. We love your straight talk, pertinent information and plain language. I don't know how many industries have something of jWAG's caliber available, but I learn from the emails every day. Really, really nice work, and very appreciated."
-Cheryl Herrick, Global Pathways Jewelry