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The Search Engine is Calling You

The Search Engine is Calling You 2121-daily-golden-nugget-668The curious caller ID on your phone says "Search Engine" and when you pick it up it's someone telling you they can place your website in the top ranking position in Google's search results.

This is a telephone scam.

My office has been receiving these calls since October 2011 and it seems like we still have at least one come in every month. They are quite annoying, although not nearly annoying at the "this is your Captain speaking" phone calls.

Google usually does not make telemarketing calls, and they certainly do not call you saying they will increase your organic ranking if you pay them. On the other hand, if you do get a random phone call from someone claiming to be from Google, it's probably from the AdWords department.

Anyone can set up their caller ID to say "Search Engine." This is a common feature in most internet based telephone systems, known as voice over IP or just VoIP for short.

My suggestion is to simply ignore the telephone when "search engine" calls, or just pick-up and hang-up quickly.

Ranking higher in the organic results of search engines takes a lot of time and effort. You can't simply pay some random company that calls you. Your best approach would be to talk to your web programming person about jewelry website search engine optimization (SEO). They might provide the service or they might know a trusted service company.

So there you have it; just a short public service announcement for today's Daily Golden Nugget.
AT: 02/13/2013 11:27:49 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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