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Talking Turkey in November, and Other Holiday Headlines

Talking Turkey in November, and Other Holiday Headlines 1169-daily-golden-nugget-591Last week I gave you a list of Halloween themed headlines that you could use in your marketing messages for this week. Today I'm going to give you a list of headlines that you could use throughout November 2012. These headlines were recorded during November 2011 as part of one of my long term continuing research projects on email marketing and website headlines.

November is a very robust month with more opportunities to broadcast a marketing message than you may realize. The general thoughts in December focus around family gatherings and gift giving all focused around similar religious holidays, but in November there are at least 4 days this year that transcend religion and offer different headlines for your marketing.

Last year I tracked hundreds of emails that used headlines relating to Daylight Savings Time, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving. This year in the US we also have a presidential Election Day, a day that is given maximum exposure every 4 years.

Finding the right headline for your marketing message can be a struggle, but it's always easier whenever you can center your message on an outside event that you didn't create. Your message just taps into the current consumer top of mind awareness in hopes of creating an association, or perhaps even a willingness to read your message.

Most November holiday messages are sent out only a few days before those above mentioned holidays. Here's an exact timing list for this year:

Daylight Savings Time, November 4th. Send these messages out on the 1st, 2nd, but not the 3rd.
Election Day, November 6th. Send these out any day from now until the 6th.
Veterans Day, November 11th. Send these out on the 8th, 9th, or 10th.
Thanksgiving, November 22nd. Send out turkey specific messages the 3 days before.

The Presidential election lends itself to a "voting" contest that you can launch on Facebook, Google+, or on your website. Your headline could say "Get out and VOTE for ..."

Daylight Savings Time is a tricky day and not a holiday at all, but still an event you can use in marketing. Few people will be browsing your website on November 3rd, they will be out and about enjoying the extra hour. Social media usage will be up, but website traffic will be way down. If you promote something for this weekend you should make it an in-store offer rather than online.

These are 4 Daylight Savings Time headlines that got my attention last year:
* It's time to set things right: $79 watches!
* Turn Back Time For Daylight Savings With Our Great Collection of Watches!
* Fall Back Into Savings With This Offer!
* Fall Back Into Savings With $50 off for the Next 24 Hours

Veterans Day is the day the United States honors veterans of the armed services. Promotions around this day should offer exceptionally special deals to those men and women who keep the United States safe. These are three headlines I saw last year during the days before November 11th:

* Veteran's Day 15% off Sale
* Semper Fi—$99 Titanium Atomic Watch
* Here's $50 for Veterans Day. Thank you!

Lastly, I turn my attention to Thanksgiving. I've omitted all the talk of Black Friday and Door Buster Specials and concentrated only on the meat and (sweet) potatoes turkey talk. Here are 6 Thanksgiving specific headlines from last year:

* HUGE Pre-Thanksgiving Sale
* Let's Talk Turkey - Play and Win
* Happy Thanksgiving | Start Saving Today!
* Thanksgiving Flier and Holiday Weekend Specials
* Happy Thanksgiving!
* Happy Thanksgiving from us! Here's a $25 Gift for dessert!

I'd love to hear about the headlines you come up with for your marketing. Share them with me to my Twitter account @matthewperosi
AT: 10/29/2012 11:24:20 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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