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4 Must-Do Holiday 2012 Inbound Marketing Strategies for Jewelers

4 Must-Do Holiday 2012 Inbound Marketing Strategies for Jewelers 7119-imageIn preparation for the upcoming Holiday 2012 season you need to start adding information to your website now so Google will lead internet visitors to during the holiday website search season.

Today's Daily Golden Nugget gives you a few website content strategies that you can use for new content or for blog posts. No matter how you include these ideas on your website, they will bring a flurry of visitors during the holiday season... as long as you go do this right now.

Strategy #1:
Get photos of recent celebrity engagements and write-up details about their engagement rings. In each write-up you should include photos and links to similar rings that you sell in your jewelry store. For a list of 20 Important Celebrity Engagements since January 2004 visit this previous Nugget:

Strategy #2:
Write a "Top 10 Worst Gifts to Give Your Wife" article. Include all the bad stories you've ever heard, and a few alternative suggestions. For this article you should include alternative suggestions that include things other than just jewelry. For some extra value you should also include photos and links to places that sell the items you are suggesting.

Strategy #3:
Build a list of the top 100 best gifts available in your home town. This one might not seem directly intuitive as a means to build business, but this will build you a reputation as valuable information source. Start by calling the retailers you know personally and asking for good gift suggestions for this season. You will want a full array of different types of gifts from different stores. Some of the ideas could even be gift cards for restaurants. Each store would need to provide you with photos and basic descriptions with prices.

To implement this on your website, you could create individual pages for gift categories which could include games, clothing, items for the home, electronics, food, and of course jewelry. Load each of the categories with the variety of gift items you collect, and load all your own jewelry gift ideas in the jewelry category.

Make sure to include links to the websites, the store address, and phone number with each item's photo and description. For your jewelry items you should link directly to your own product detail pages.

Since you're doing this for free you will need to limit the amount of time you put into this. Tell each store owner that you are doing this to benefit your local retailers and they must provide you all the photos and details in an email. In order for them to participate they must send you the information. Do not get tricked into getting the information from their website because that will take too much of your time.

Strategy #4:
Create different lists of the Top 5 jewelry gifts for this year. These should only include items you carry in your store. Each item should include a story about why it's popular this year. If possible you should mention celebrities who have been spotted wearing the same jewelry styles. Each list should include 1 item from different price points ranging from your lowest to the highest average gift value that you sold last year.

At minimum you should create one page for each of these lists:
Top 5 Jewelry Gifts for Dad.
Top 5 Jewelry Gifts for Mom
Top 5 Jewelry Gifts for Your Wife
Top 5 Jewelry Gifts for Your Husband
Top 5 Jewelry Gifts for Grandparents

These 4 ideas could easily take a full 40 hours to put together, idea #3 being the longest, most difficult. This will pay off this year if you can get these posted to your website before November 15th. Post each page or blog as soon as you have it completed; there's no reason to wait until the full set of work is completed.
AT: 10/15/2012 09:25:19 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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"...articles are easy to follow and seem to have information one can use right away."
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