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Most Popular Jewelry Store Pages Viewed via Mobile

Simply saying that people are using mobile devices is easy. Knowing how and what they are using them for is actually more important. If you knew what mobile users were interested in, you could better understand the type of mobile website your jewelry store needs.

Well we've got that information right here! No guesses, no theories. Here's some hard data of how customers are using their iPhones, iPads, and Androids to browse various jewelry store websites.

This is a breakdown of the pages mobile visitors are currently viewing and the percentage of their time spent viewing them.

35.8% Jewelry Product Catalogs
17.3% Home Page
14.7% Blog or Article Pages
12.2% View Individual Product Pages
4.2% Loose Diamond Searches
3.0% Services Page
2.5% Specific Designer Line Pages
2.2% Jewelry Education Pages
1.2% View the Contact Page
0.8% Read the About Page
0.6% Look at Store Hours
0.5% Look for Directions
0.3% Look for Special Offers
0.2% Read Testimonials
4.5% of visits fall into the Other category

From these numbers, you can clearly see that mobile visitors are most interested in shopping your catalog via mobile. 12.2% viewed specific items after browsing the catalog.

Much of the traffic we see for blog and article pages comes from organic search results. The 14.7% popularity of thee pages on mobile show that these pages are very important for attracting mobile users. Mobile users were on these pages for at least 17 seconds, sometimes as much as 80 seconds. Clearly some mobile users are willing to read your blog posts on their smartphones.

The 4.2% popularity of loose diamond searches is very promising. In case you've haven't been following recent news on BlueNile, their sales are down. It looks like customers are starting to understand that they really need to see diamonds in person before buying them. Go ahead and add a diamond search to your website today; just make sure it works on mobile.

Unfortunately we don't know where consumers are when they using their mobile device, but naturally we assume they are not at their PC. They could be in another jewelry store, sitting in their car, shopping in a mall, or even in your own store.

About the only thing we're sure of with mobile usage is that consumers can jump online whenever, and wherever it's convenient for them.

Hopefully the numbers above will help guide you in what you truly need on your mobile website.
AT: 02/27/2012 03:24:26 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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