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Video Contest Magnets

We're continuing our discussion about using YouTube today for SEO and attracting customers.

A few jewelers have already done what we're about to tell you and have had amazing success with it. Even if you don't have the skills to create a professional video, some of your customers might, and you can reward them for it.

One of the standard features of a YouTube video is to allow "video responses."

Some people like to simply comment on a video and some people are so motivated (through anger and passion) that they get their camera and create a video reply.

Some people are simply capitalists at heart and will do anything for a penny, or maybe even a diamond.

You could run a contest through YouTube. In your simple video, you could just stand there and hold a diamond, or a diamond ring, and tell people that they have to record something and post it as a reply to yours.

You could invite them to show their talents, play an instrument, or simply be creative. What you should do is mandate that they name your jewelry store in the video, and hold up a legible sign with your website address on it within the first 30 seconds of the video, and then again at the end.

The video should be at least 2 minutes long in order to filter out random contest "bottom feeders." Feel free to make the required video length even longer for a more valuable prize.

You want your customers to have fun with it, and you want them to show their friends. You could do the contest judging by the number of likes or the number of views, or you could simply vote on them yourself.

The goal here is to get as many people to view those video responses as possible. All those viewers will eventually be lead back to your website!
AT: 05/10/2011 11:34:39 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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