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January 2012 Keyword Data and How to Use It

We've analyzed a small part of our collected keyword data from January 2012 and have some results to share with you today.

The list below has 19 keywords ranging from the most to least popular. We've adjusted our numbers to present them on a scale of 0 to 100. The keyword "engagement" occurred the most in our tracking so we're putting that at 100 and measuring all other keywords against it.

100 engagement
92.38 rings
83.75 jewelers
56.34 diamond
37.05 ring
36.04 jewelry stores
20.81 wedding
20.81 custom
15.73 buy gold
14.72 bracelet
11.16 antique
11.16 jewelry store
8.12 jeweler
8.12 jewellery
7.61 bead
7.61 silver
5.58 necklace
3.55 estate
2.53 pendant
2.03 chain

A few of the keywords in this list have the same weighted value, which means they appeared the same number of times in our keyword cross sample.

Also note that the keyword data shows that people are rejecting the term "estate" in favor of "antique." This shows you that the entire jewelry industry cannot always make customers use the word they want to use. The customer may not be right, but that's not the point. You need to use the phrases that will attract their attention online.

Some of the more popular complete phrases include:

antique engagement rings
custom engagement rings
diamond ring
diamond engagement rings
wedding ring

As always we find the occurrences of the word "jewelers" and "jewelry stores" always as part of a local search phrase, like "jewelry stores passaic country" or "jewelers in totowa".

To capitalize on this data you could sprinkle theses words and phrases in your next few blog posts. From our point of view, the local search will continue to dominate over the long term and you should do whatever it takes to include local city names and county names within your blog entries.

One great way to build town and county names into your website in a non-spammy way is to dedicate an entire section of your blog to engagement announcements. You could easily do this by writing a detailed profile of each couple that purchases their engagement ring at your store. Tell a story of where the couple grew up, what town they live in now, where they met, and reasons they chose the engagement ring style. Make sure to include a photo of them, and the ring they purchased.
AT: 02/13/2012 03:05:52 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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