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Older, Wiser, Faster Indexed Websites

Time and time again, we see new jewelry store websites with brand new domain names launched, then fail miserably.

Brand new websites have a really difficult time getting indexed in the search engines. If no one is linking to the new site, Google, Bing, and Yahoo simply can't find it. There needs to be at least one link from some other reputable website before the engines will find the new site.

It might take 30 days before your brand new jewelry store website shows up in the search results. Even after the first 30 days, you still might not see your entire website in the search results. It will eventually get there but it might take months.

During this initial time, you might also notice that your blog entries also have a delay at getting into the search results.

As it turns out, Google tracks the longevity of a website, and they have it set so that websites with a longer history are spidered and indexed faster.

The longer your site has existed online, the faster new published pages (including the blog) are read and published.

If you want your website linked and indexed, you could wait or, for a faster process, you should get links from an older website.
AT: 03/11/2011 11:45:09 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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