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Building Your Social Media Personality

We're continuing on the subject of building a social media persona to interact with your customers on a personal level. Your Facebook Business Page is where you build business relationships, introduce offers and engage customers. The one flaw with a business page is you have to continually interact with your fans to keep them interested in your business.

We know it's difficult to find the perfect balance between interaction and offers in all social media. We also know that many of you have personal accounts that you use for business. The strategy we started explaining yesterday will help build a level of trust with your customers. This type of trust will endure even if your customer doesn't hear from you for a while.

Let's continue explaining how to build that trust during the holiday season.

Since it's still early in the holiday season, you are probably still planning many family or decorating details. Now is the time to let your customers into your lives a little more.

Once again, we need to approach this as a story you will share. The details should include your plans for decorating your store, or even your home. Do you have a favorite "tragic" story about decorating? Write your story as if you are reminiscing that past event, then at the end say that your first holiday wish for this year is for that "tragedy" to not happen again.

Another story you could talk about is the process of transforming your store or home into a magical display. Many people decorate their stores and homes with thousands of lights and huge moving figurines during this season. But unless you've done it yourself, you would have no idea of the craziness someone might go through to set it all up.

These human interest stories will give people some insight into you as a person. Your customers will unknowingly reward you with loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations.

As you decorate the store or your house, make sure to take photos. You will need them for a future story.

Once this is written, post it to your blog and to your Facebook. If written well, you should get a few comments from your friends.

Do you have writer's block? If you try and try, yet the words just don't seem to appear on your computer screen, well, you have to come up with a better way. Grab your digital voice recorder (or your cell phone voice recorder) and pull one of your employees aside. Record your story telling starting with "I'd like to tell you a story of how the holiday decorations fell through that showcase over there one year..." and continue the story if that's actually true. Otherwise tell your own. Later you can transcribe your story word for word and post it.
AT: 11/09/2010 12:13:23 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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