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Blogging Success Without Sucking Your Time Up

Can you come up with a list of 52 little tips for your customers? There are 52 weeks in a year and it would be great if you had a tip to share with your customs every week.

Here are some ideas:

* Announce the birthstone of the month each month. That's already 12 weeks.

* Give a tip each month on the colors of the season and the type of jewelry, whether a style or a specific charm, that will match the season and fashions. That's another 12 weeks.

Only 28 more ideas needed. Can you come up with those on your own?

Once you have them all written out take an evening or a weekend afternoon and type them all into your blog.

Then set up an account with and attach your Store's Twitter and Facebook Business Page.

Next grab the URL of each blog post and create a status update in Set the time and date for the status post. You will be adding 52 scheduled messages.

This next part might seem strange, but now go back into your blog and set the dates of each entry so they are now hidden, but will appear once a week for the next 52 weeks according to the schedule you just created. needs to see the live URL in order to generate a shared link on Facebook.

Each blog entry should be at least 250 words, so it might take you more than just one night to type them all out.

This schedule will save you from worrying about posts in the future, and your customs will come to expect a new weekly blog entry, Facebook shared link, and Tweet.

If you found any value in this Daily Gold Nugget please comment or click the Facebook Like button.
AT: 10/25/2010 11:42:48 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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