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Most Popular Smartphone Resolutions for September 2015 #TBT

Most Popular Smartphone Resolutions for September 2015 TBT daily-golden-nugget-1374-56
In this edition of #ThrowbackThursday, I'm jumping back to a year ago to the last time I updated my report on the most popular smartphone resolutions used by visitors to retail jewelry websites.

The last time I reviewed smartphone screen resolutions was only a week after the iPhone 6 had been released. For several years, the iPhone has been the most popular smartphone choice for jewelry buyers. All my data is collected from jewelry websites, and I imagine a similar data set for an electronics store would look much different.

It doesn't matter if you prefer the iPhone or one of the Android phones; that's a personal choice. My choice is the iPhone. I use the Android and iPhone every day to analyze websites, but my instinct is to always grab the iPhone when I need to use a mobile device.

This chart shows the mobile screen resolution popularity over the period March 2012 - September 2015:

Most Popular Smartphone Resolutions for September 2015 TBT 1374-mobile-screen-resolutions-9]

A Note For Programmers: I've adjusted the data in this chart to show the full resolution for newer devices instead of the CSS pixel ration that might be reported. It always seems odd to me when I refer to the newer smartphones with old fashion sounding pixel resolutions, so I just corrected the data to make more sense for business owners.

Here's the breakdown of the resolution and the cross referencing smartphones:

Screen ResolutionSmartphone TypeReported Resolution
640x1136iPhone 5, 5C, 5S, iPod Touch 5g320x568
1080x1920Galaxy SIII - S6, Galaxy Note II - 4360x640
750x1334iPhone 6, 6s375x667
1242x2208iPhone 6 Plus, 6s Plus414x736
640x960iPhone 3, 4320x480
1024x768iPad 2, iPad Minin/a
720x1280Galaxy SIII, Galaxy Note IIn/a
360x592Sony, Motorola, Nexusn/a
480x800Galaxy SII, SIIIn/a
540x960Galaxy S4, Razr 4Gn/a
320x534Galaxy S, Galaxy Acen/a
1920x1080Galaxy S5n/a

In the month of September 2015, iPhone users accounted for 59.39% of all sessions to jewelry store websites. That's up 7.38% from one year ago.

iPhone 6 adoption rates jumped from nothing to 21.4% in just one year. The iPhone 6 Plus went from zero to 5.18%. Notice how the iPhone 5 is slowly declining in popularity while the iPhone 3 and 4 usage plummeted over the last 12 months. I interpret this to mean the iPhone 3 and 4 users upgraded to the iPhone 6, while iPhone 5x users are either stuck in their contracts, or simply prefer the smaller format of the 5x device.

Here's a tabular report of the smartphone usage recorded during September 2015:

Screen Resolution MobileDevice Name% Sessions
320x568Apple iPhone 5x28.01%
375x667Apple iPhone 6x21.40%
360x640Samsung Galaxy S55.31%
414x736Apple iPhone 6x Plus5.18%
320x480Apple iPhone 3x & 4x4.51%
360x640Nexus, HTC2.47%
360x640Samsung Galaxy Note 41.98%
360x640Samsung Galaxy S41.73%
360x640Samsung Galaxy S6.66%
360x640Samsung Galaxy S IV.24%
360x640Samsung Galaxy S51.21%
720x1280Samsung Galaxy S III.04%
360x640Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge1.02%
360x640Samsung Galaxy Note 30.90%
360x640Sony Ultra0.82%
360x640Motorola Droid Turbo0.64%
320x534LG G30.54%
360x640Samsung Galaxy S40.45%
1366x768Microsoft Surface0.42%

The Samsung Galaxy products appear a lot in the table, but they only account for 16.54% of the user sessions in September 2015, whereas the Apple iPhone 6x already achieved 21.40% in just one year.

The next time you upgrade your website, make sure that it will correctly support these smartphones. The next time you upgrade your smartphone, you might also want to choose from one of the popular models listed here so you can experience the mobile web the same way your customers do.

AT: 10/29/2015 09:32:29 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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