Content creation is a continual task for every website owner. It can also be a very challenging task to come up with new content all the time without suffering from mental burnout or writer's block. That burnout will have a bad effect on your long term SEO, so it needs to be prevented.
One way to prevent content creation burnout is to spread the task around between several employees on your sales staff. Remember that website content isn't just blog posts. Content also includes photography, video, and even podcasts. If your employees are shy about their writing skills, then find out if they'd be interested in one of the other content creation methods.
Believe it or not, that photography, video, and podcasts can all be created through a smartphone now. I created my last 5 videos using my smartphone. Every smartphone has a voice recorder, and you can even get decent jewelry photography from a smartphone if you practice at it.
Podcasts can be published through a podcast service, or you can upload the mp3 to your website for people to download directly.
Video should be uploaded to your store's YouTube page and shared socially. Those videos don't have to be professional quality, but they do need to properly portray your business. An employee with creative video talent might have a lot of good ideas for educational videos or product reviews. Listen to their ideas before asking them to start filming. Give them some creative leeway, but don't let them waste their time if you don't like their initial ideas.
Just so you know, I currently use my iPhone 5s for recording my on location videos. I edit them either on my iPad or on the iPhone before uploading them to YouTube. I have the process honed to about 3 hours of script writing and polishing. It takes me about 1 hour of filming, and then between 1 to 3 hours to edit depending on how many splices I have to make in the film.
Smartphone photography might sound unprofessional, but there are entire groups of people on Google+ and Instagram that show off their smartphone photography skills every day. Of course the typical problem with jewelry photography, from a smartphone or a regular camera, is getting the items in focus. This will take some practice on a smartphone, and it might even require a fancy snap-on camera lens for your smartphone.
Remember that the goal here is content creation, not perfect jewelry photography for an online catalog. These photos should have some artistic creativity, or maybe even just showing how the jewelry looks on a person. I always enjoy looking at Instagram photos showing different clothing outfits matched with jewelry and accessories. Those types of photos are always popular.
If you're not sharing photos to Instagram, then you're going to need some type of description for them when you post them to your website. Recently I've noticed a few web pages that had less than 200 characters of a description (characters, not words) accompanying several photos. The pages ranked relatively well considering the thin amount of written content.
When it comes to blogging though, you should always strive for more than 200 words, but don't force your employee to write more than what's needed to make their point. Some people say what they need in only 150 words along with a photograph.
Once your employees start to share the content building process, you should ask them to share what they've created. Assuming all the content is published on your website, ask your employees to share links to those published pages on their personal social networks. This includes their Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and especially Google+.
It really valuable for them to share to Google+.
As they share to their personal social networks, they will be helping to expand the reach of your social sphere, which feeds into search results.
The reason Google+ is so important is because Google will use those shared links to influence the personalized search results of the friends, family, and even friends of friends of your employees. That influence will last for a long time, maybe even years depending on how Google changes things.
Recruiting your employees to build content for your website will help tremendously over time. Allowing them to share what they create might seem trivial to them, but it will grow into a very valuable content building step that you shouldn't miss out on.