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The Most Popular Pages On Retail Jewelry Store Websites (top 6)

The Most Popular Pages On Retail Jewelry Store Websites (top 6) 8767-daily-golden-nugget-809A 'Landing Page' is what we call the first page that people see when they arrive on your website; in other words, this is the page they 'land' on.

Most people believe that their main landing page is the Home Page of their site. Truthfully this is not always the case because the landing page is actually any page that someone sees in the search engine results. Since those results change depending on what keywords are searched for it's very likely that Google will not return your home page unless you stuff your home page with every word imaginable.

Within Google Analytics, you can view the top Landing Page report. There are a few ways you can use this report:

1. It simply shows you what pages people enter your site through.
2. If shows you which pages of your site are best ranked in the search engines.
3. It shows you which pages of your site have the best jewelry website SEO value and inversely which ones need work.
4. It can cross reference which pages are ranking best for which keywords.

This is a powerful report and it will help with your SEO efforts for your individual site.

When it comes to optimizing landing pages for keywords for an individual site, there's always a guessing game if you are doing the wrong thing. I don't like those guessing games myself so I'm sharing with you the most popular landing pages for all the websites I track.

Here's how it works... I aggregated more than 20,000 landing page results from the last 30 days and organized them into meaningful groups. These aggregated numbers provide a clear sitemap structure for the types of pages you should have on your website.

4.48% Designer Line Pages
This is the more important group of pages I measured. There were more than a thousand pages to count in the group. No one designer stood out more than another, but that's not the reason for this measurement. This measurement shows that customers search for designer names and 4.32% of visitors found the jeweler's site because of a specific designer name. Your ACTION item is to add a few pages to your site about each of the designers you carry in your store.

4.47% Product Detail Pages
There were a considerable number of people who search for a phrase and clicked on a specific product detail page when it appeared in the search results. I know that this class of pages could become the most important on your website if you spent more time writing descriptions. I know that there are only so many ways you can describe a diamond engagement ring, but your customers will love you for your efforts. Your ACTION item is to write longer product descriptions.

2.51% Catalog Sub Heading Pages
Every product catalog breaks down into sub sections for rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings, etc. This subset of pages is more popular than the main Catalog page. This type of catalog sub page should have a clear heading and grouping of products related to this category class. Your ACTION item is to organize your product catalog into subsets that are easy to navigate with clear headings showing which category you are in.

2.49% Online Jewelry Catalog Page
As it turns out the main doorway page to your online jewelry catalog is not at important than the pages nested below it, but it's certainly more important that everything I haven't listed yet. Your ACTION item is to set up a product catalog on your website, and make sure the search engines can crawl it. Sorry guys, but if you're using some type of vendor controlled catalog that doesn't count, you best start over.

1.71% Blog Pages
I think this number would be a lot higher too if all the jewelers I was tracking actually had active blogs on their site. If everyone did have an active blog I would expect this to be at least double what it shows here. Your ACTION item is to set up a blog on your website and be sure to use it.

1.59% Contact Us
Surely it seems that people need to know your address, hours, phone number, and how to email you. That's usually what you find on the Contact Us page. I've also noticed that Google will intentionally show a link to this page in the SERPs when someone searches for your business name. Your ACTION items is to always keep this page updated.

There's a lot more data to get through, but instead of making this Daily Nugget too long I'm splitting up the rest of the information into the next normal Nugget. Still to come is the page information for the About Us, Custom Design, Educational Pages, Gold Buying, Services, and several more. I'll continue with this on Monday since tomorrow is Website Review Friday.

In the mean time, you should get started with planning your holiday 2013 online product catalog.

AT: 08/29/2013 04:42:58 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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