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What Attracts Repeat Website Visitors?

What Attracts Repeat Website Visitors? 8986-daily-golden-nugget-727In yesterday's Daily Golden Nugget I explained that you should figure out how to better engage repeat visitors to your website. Today I'd like to give you some ideas on how to turn first time visitors into repeat visitors.

Gain Repeat Visitors Through Engagement Blogging

For a small business, blogging is typically thought of as a way to attract new customers by building content based on specific keywords. Actually, this is how most blogging starts, but after a while it's easy to run out of things to write about. After all, how many times can you write a random blog just to target the phrase "engagement rings?"

On the other hand, instead of trying to target specific keywords you could blog about topics of interest that just happen to include those keywords. For example, you can have an entire blog dedicated to those couples who bought their engagement ring at your store. Each blog would then give details about the buying process, how they chose their ring, and which ring they eventually chose. Each of those blog posts would be rich with jewelry designer names, references to engagement rings, and even local town names or points of interest.

An engagement blog like that should attract frequent readers, especially those hoping to get engaged soon, those looking for engagement ideas, and those that are hopeless romantics a heart. Add in some heatmap testing and your blog could be what leads those frequent readers into your product catalog again and again.

Gain Repeat Visitors Through Fashion Blogging

Fashion trends are hot topics that you can tap into to keep your repeat visitors interested. If you dedicate a specific part of your website to fashion blogging you can use it as a reason for people to return to your site. Every fashion blog can be socially shared with the hope that your regular followers will click a link back to your website. Each fashion topic has a chance to interest and attract a different group of your customers back to your website again and again.

Gain Repeat Visitors Through Email Newsletters

Email newsletters are an easy way to attract visitors back to your website. Inside every newsletter you should announce your latest blog post, latest community involvement news, latest items you carry in your jewelry store, and of course a reminder of the types of gift buying opportunities are available in your store for upcoming holiday, birthdays, and anniversaries. You should also archive your newsletter on your website so it can be shared socially, which in turn should bring a few more people back to your website.

Those are 3 initial ideas. With a little creativity you should be able to formulate ideas on how you could also use birthdays, anniversaries, and community involvement as other reasons to get people to return again and again to your website.

AT: 05/07/2013 02:46:10 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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