Although I'm using the fictitious designer name "Fancy Rings" all the other numbers mentioned in this Nugget are accurate. For simplicity sake I'm abbreviating Google Analytics as GA. Feel free to follow along in your own accounts. If you've been following along with the previous 2 Daily Nuggets from this week you will be familiar with some of these repetitive steps already.
To get started I'm opening up GA and clicking on the left navigation of Traffic Sources > Sources > Search > Organic to see the report of which organic keywords brought visitors to my site. Before I can analyze my data I need to apply a filter to it. At the top of the keyword list you will notice a form field located next to a small magnifying glass. Type your keyword phrase into that field and click the magnifying glass to activate the filter. In my case I'm typing in "fancy rings" and clicking on the magnifying glass.
After applying that filter I now see these 5 keyword phrases that matched:
fancy rings
fancy rings prices
fancy rings totowa nj
silver fancy rings
who sells fancy rings in new jersey
Continuing with this example, I clearly attract people to my website who are interested in the Fancy Rings designer line, and I sell a lot of them in the store and online. But I sell very few of the "Fancy Bracelets" online even though my in-store showcase is completely stocked. I need to know why.
So far I've had you apply a keyword filter to your GA Organic report. Now I want you to view the actual pages that your website visitors landed on. Follow these steps to view this information:
1. Find and click the [Secondary dimension] button at the top of the Keyword column on the report.
2. In the popup window that appears click "Traffic Sources" shown in light green.
3. In the sub menu below Traffic Sources you then click "Landing Page."
After a few seconds, your browser will refresh to show all the tracked landing pages. You might be surprised to see that there are several landing pages. Here's a description of each of the pages shown on my report for "fancy rings" in the order of popularity:
A. The first page of the online catalog that shows Fancy Rings items
B. The long designer line page that explains who Fancy Rings is as a company and where they get their inspirations from.
C. Five different product detail pages for individual Fancy Rings items
D. Home page of the website
E. Login screen for the e-commerce system
The last one on that list is a little confusing. I'm not sure why a search engine would think the e-commerce login screen was worthy enough to relate to "fancy rings." That page should probably be hidden from the search engines anyway.
The other 4 types of pages are more interesting. According to these results the most important website feature that attracted visitors was the product catalog of Fancy Rings. A close second in attracting visitors was the long write-up on the Designer Line page.
Remember that I want to sell more "Fancy Bracelets," and based on what I found here I reviewed the website to find that the bracelets were mentioned very little.
Based on these findings, I would recommend this course of action:
1. Add a new online catalog section of Fancy Bracelets to the website with similar functionality as the Fancy Rings.
2. Write a detailed page that describes the Fancy Bracelets in a lot of detail just like the Fancy Rings designer page.
3. Write longer descriptions for each of the Fancy Bracelet items that you upload to the catalog.
The entire procedure above represents the basic process of analyzing existing analytical data in order to formulate a search engine optimization procedure that can be replicated. This is the same process my employees and I have used for hundreds of retail jewelers.