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Mobile User Flow vs. Desktop User Flow

Mobile User Flow vs. Desktop User Flow 2752-daily-golden-nugget-690It's safe to say that the non-holiday time of the year started 30 days ago. During the period of October through February, all of the statistics I measure are skewed in favor of retail jewelers. For that 5 month period, people are more willing to deal with usability issues of your website simply because they need to buy some type of gift.

From Mid February through September the visitor traffic to retail jewelry websites is more uniform, and more likely to be influenced by other types of marketing.

For the last 30 days during "normal time," I've been measuring the desktop traffic vs. mobile traffic to see how quickly people bounce from a retail jeweler's site and how they traverse the site. It takes a long time to process this data into reasonable results, and after a few hours of work I wish I had more to say other than just presenting these numbers with brief annotations.
Remember that these measured results are specifically for the jewelry industry.

The average duration of each visitor:
Via Mobile: 10:16 minutes
Via Desktop: 4:46 minutes

The bounce rate after visitors land on a site:
Via Mobile: 65.23%
Via Desktop: 62.84%

The percentage of visitors that read more than 3 pages:
Via Mobile: 10.50%
Via Desktop: 12.90%

The percentage of visitors that read more than 4 pages:
Via Mobile: 6.86%
Via Desktop: 8.75%

The typical mobile visitor will usually look at these pages in this order:
Home page, jewelry catalog, store hours, services, then back to the jewelry catalog

The typical desktop visitor will usually look at these pages in this order:
Home page, jewelry catalog, home page again, store hours, services, jewelry catalog again, then education information

These results have been processed to represent an average performance of many jewelry websites. That last step of analysis might be the most important to emerge from this tracking; a careful review shows a different type of interest for mobile users compared to desktop users. Specifically, the mobile users were more interested in the product catalog whereas the desktop users exhibited more random clicking around the website. Desktop users also spent time on the jewelry education pages, like the 4C's, but the mobile users showed little or no interest.

Using this data you can see that there is good reason to consider a separated mobile website rather than a website that uses a "responsive design."

Although my results are interesting, I suggest you hire a Google Analytics specialist to figure out the same type of information for your own website. You can improve your website immensely once you see your own data.

AT: 03/15/2013 09:05:28 PM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
Confused and worried about your mobile website options? Click here to find out how to get your own website evaluation and a game plan to make it better.

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