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How to Correctly Use Synonyms in For SEO

How to Correctly Use Synonyms in For SEO 7424-daily-golden-nugget-614How many different jewelry synonyms can you think of for the phrase engagement ring?

The heavy use of similar variations of phrase throughout your web page is a sure way to get yourself penalized by Google. In the past, if you were serious about ranking your website for "engagement rings" you would use that phrase over and over again throughout many pages of your site. Sometimes you would use the phrase 5 times on a single page.

Prior to 2012, it was common practice to use all these phrases on a single page of your website:

1. engagement ring
2. engagement rings
3. designer engagement rings
4. design your own engagement ring
5. diamond engagement rings
6. white gold engagement rings
7. gold and diamond engagement ring

No matter how hard you would try, a single web page containing those 7 phrases would sound completely contrived, and you probably wouldn't be able to read it out loud without tripping over your words.

Throughout 2011 and early 2012 Google successfully changed their algorithm methods so all those contrived pages could be removed from search engine results. At the same time, Google filtered out web pages that used several synonyms because they also classified multiple synonyms as contrived writing.

For a brief moment in internet marketing it seemed like Google was forever going to punish anyone who wanted to use the word engagement ring, bridal ring, and wedding ring on the same page. Thankfully they realized how harmful synonym filtering was to everyone and they relaxed their filtering.

So now, if you want to attract attention of the people searching for engagement rings you can use several synonym variations on a single page. Here are a few more examples:

A. engagement ring
B. wedding ring
C. bridal ring
D. bridal jewelry
E. wedding jewelry
F. bridal diamond ring
G. diamond ring set

To make these 7 phrases work together naturally you would weave them into a casual blog post on your website. Use them each once, twice at most, and make sure you read your writing out loud as a test. Rewrite anything that you get tongue tied on.
AT: 11/29/2012 01:16:03 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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