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Capturing Customer Stories During the Holidays

Capturing Customer Stories During the Holidays 3667-daily-golden-nugget-609Throughout the upcoming 45 days, your staff is going to put in long hours in hopes that customers will be beating down your door 7 days every week. Financial forecasts say that this year will be better than last.

As you are hurried and harried through your daily routine you should try to take notice of the people come to you looking for the perfect holiday gift. Customers come looking for gifts for him, gifts for her, gifts for a child, or even a grandparent. Some customers might even stop in for a small whimsical gift of this year's holiday charm.

We'd all like to see those financial forecasts come true, but I don't want you to view each customer as just another purse of coins, instead view them as a source of stories. Each customer has a reason for their purchase, and you are there to help them share their joy. But before I start sounding too sappy with this Daily Golden Nugget let me get to the Turkey of the day.

Customers might come to you to sell their gold, but in fact it's the stories you get from customers that can be pure gold for your blog.

In the past I recommended for you to keep a digital voice recorder handy throughout the holiday season, today I'd like to amend that recommendation to a smartphone. As you work through your days make sure to keep your smartphone handy so you can take voice memos and photographs throughout the day.

Helping someone pick the perfect gift for the perfect person is also the perfect opportunity for you to record notes for yourself so you can blog about it in the future. You might not have time to blog over the next 45 days, and by the time you do you won't remember every person you helped, and certainly not every warming story you were told.

Heartwarming stories are great sources for blog posts. You might have to change the names, but the story, along with details of the jewelry that was purchased, is great for your long term website ranking. As customers regale you with their stories you should casually snap quick photos of the jewelry they are about to buy so it can be used in the blog post. Then take a minute to step into the back room to record a voice memo of the story. Make sure to record as much detail as possible because you won't remember it all when you sit down to write it out in January.

There's no specific goal or blog quota you need to reach, but by the end of the holiday season you will probably have stories of engagements, good wives, bad husbands, young romance, and old anniversaries. Coming up with blogging topics is tough, creative work, but it's a lot easier this time of year when customers are so willing to tell you their stories.

Happy Thanksgiving!
AT: 11/22/2012 12:31:59 AM   LINK TO THIS GOLD NUGGET
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