The difference this year over last year is that social media has further changed the way in which communicate with customers.
Before this holiday season kicks into full speed you should track down the websites, Facebook Pages, and Goolge+ Pages for each of the larger brand names or designers you carry in your jewelry store. Make a bookmark list or otherwise save the location of each of the website properties you find.
Spend a few days looking at how each often each designer changes their website or posts to their social page. You need to look for posts about the designer that would be of interest to your own social community of customers. You can ignore any social posts that have nothing to do with their brand specifically.
What you'll typically find is that the designers will post cover photos for popular magazines where they have feature articles, or they might post photos of their latest jewelry styles. Sometimes they will even post copies of the full page ads that are found in various magazines. These are the posts you are looking for.
To take advantage of these posts what you want to do is log into Facebook and "use Facebook" as your jewelry store's Page. Make sure your jewelry store's name and icon image is in the top right corner of your browser window. Then you want to navigate back to the designer's Page and click the little Share icon for one of the interesting posts. This will share it to your store's Timeline.
These few steps will create a more socially engaging atmosphere for your business page, and customers will see that you are sharing other pages of interest instead of only repeatedly posting your own stuff.
If your designer isn't active on Facebook then you should still monitor their website. Look for any mentions of media coverage or a gallery of the latest styles of jewelry; of course I'm assuming you carry their latest styles. Every once in a while you should share something from their website to your Facebook and Google+ pages.
You should take the same strategy on Google+ as you did on Facebook. Look for the designer's page and then reshare their posts of interest back out to your Public Circle and your Customer Circle.
Through Facebook you will generate a slightly higher level of user interactions when using this method. Posting to Google+ will aid your search engine optimization for your own store. The overall goal is to increase your customers awareness that you carry these particular brand names in your store so you can attract the people who shop those brand names.